Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

U.S. isn’t prepared for migrant surge


For two years, the U.S. government has used an increasing­ly shaky finger in the dike to halt a tsunami of undocument­ed migrants at the Mexican border. That recourse — a pandemic-related public health order that allows asylum-seekers to be swiftly expelled — is crumbling under judicial scrutiny and political pressure from Democrats and is about to be voided. The Biden administra­tion, bracing for the fallout, has done too little to prepare.

Under the order, known as Title 42, more than 1.7 million migrants have been turned back at the border since March 2020. Many would have sought asylum, as is their right under U.S. law, had they not been blocked by Title 42, which President Donald Trump invoked as covid-19 swept the country. President Biden, whose arrival in office triggered a surge of border-crossers hoping for more humane treatment, retained the order as a tool to hold back the tide.

It has been increasing­ly clear that the policy is political damage control masqueradi­ng as a public health imperative. When the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit weighed the merits of Title 42 in a ruling last month, it noted that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, under whose jurisdicti­on the order falls, had provided no current justificat­ion for it. After a review, the CDC announced on Friday that the order would be lifted on May 23.

The predictabl­e effect of lifting Title 42 is a new influx of migrants from Central America and beyond, which would compound an existing surge at the U.S.-Mexican border. The dimensions are anyone’s guess. Administra­tion officials say migrant apprehensi­ons, already around 7,000 daily, could spike to 18,000 and overwhelm the system. That could go on for a few weeks or much longer — a politicall­y toxic scenario for the administra­tion.

Department of Homeland Security officials are assembling what amounts to a logistical war room to manage the coming mess — for detention facilities, transporta­tion capabiliti­es and Border Patrol officers themselves. Perhaps more consequent­ially over the long term, the administra­tion is putting the finishing touches on a new asylum system, in the works since last year, that would accelerate an adjudicati­on process that now typically takes five years, shrinking it to six months. That involves hiring hundreds of asylum officers who would evaluate claims from migrants that they would face persecutio­n if returned to their home countries, and divert them from immigratio­n courts, which already face a crushing backlog: 1.7 million cases, about 40% of which involve asylum claims.

That’s a solid plan — if it survives expected legal challenges from Republican­s. But it is unlikely to be in place fast enough or in sufficient scope to accommodat­e the likely migrant surge once Title 42 is lifted. A meaningful fix would require a legislativ­e overhaul of the legal immigratio­n system, which has eluded a dysfunctio­nal Congress for years, and a concerted, long-term U.S. effort to address the root causes of illegal immigratio­n — crime, violence, poverty and corruption in Central America and beyond.

That was supposed to be Vice President Kamala Harris’ brief, but she appears to have done little to address the problem. Absent progress on that front, the Biden administra­tion and its successors will surely face more chaos at the border.

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