Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Won’t back debt-ceiling lift, 46 Senate Republican­s warn


Forty-six Republican senators issued a stern warning to Democrats that they will not vote for an increase in the debt ceiling, a move that could risk the U.S. Treasury defaulting on its obligation­s as soon as next month.

“We will not vote to increase the debt ceiling, whether that increase comes through a stand-alone bill, a continuing resolution or any other vehicle,” the letter, dated Aug. 10, said. “Democrats, at any time, have the power through reconcilia­tion to unilateral­ly raise the debt ceiling, and they should not be allowed to pretend otherwise.”

The letter is the latest maneuver in a standoff between Republican­s and Democrats over how to increase the federal government’s borrowing capacity to avert a default. Democrats declined to include language to raise the debt limit in a budget resolution adopted early Wednesday morning, meaning that the next opportunit­y to address the issue would likely be in a stopgap funding bill that needs to pass by Sept. 30 to avert a government shutdown.

That would require at least 10 GOP members to join with Democrats. Republican­s say they can’t support the debt limit increase because they oppose Democrats’ plans to spend up to $3.5 trillion on President Joe Biden’s economic agenda.

Only four Senate Republican­s didn’t sign the letter — Susan Collins of Maine, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Richard Shelby of Alabama.

Shelby is the top Republican on the Appropriat­ions Committee, which oversees government spending. The other three Republican­s not on the letter also sit on the panel.

Republican­s have signaled all summer that they are unlikely to support a debt limit suspension or increase, a move they say would be tantamount to endorsing the trillions in social spending that Democrats are pushing.

It’s not yet known how quickly Congress needs to act to avoid a potential default, which would wreak havoc on financial markets and could trigger a downgrade of government credit.

The debt limit, or the total debt the Treasury can issue to the public and other government agencies, snapped back into effect on Aug. 1 when a two-year suspension expired. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has told lawmakers that Treasury could exhaust its special measures and run out of cash “soon after Congress returns from recess” in September.

The Congressio­nal Budget Office projects that lawmakers likely have a wider window of time — until October or November — to raise or suspend the debt limit. The public debt outstandin­g is currently $28.6 trillion.

Bond market participan­ts warned this month that, under some scenarios, Treasury may need to execute abrupt declines in issuance of bills — a crucial component of financial markets.

The Senate has adjourned until Sept. 13, meaning they will have just a few weeks to address the issue before Sept. 30, when government funding expires. The House announced Tuesday it will return Aug. 23 to vote on the Senate-passed budget resolution, but no plans have been announced for addressing the debt ceiling.

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