Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR READERS: It’s the holiday season, and many of us are with family and friends, or you might be by yourself. Whatever your situation, please know that I send you my warmest and happiest greetings!

Here are a few short hints from me, your friend Heloise:

Try to enjoy yourself and take some time for you.

Use care when in the kitchen. Watch food on or in the stove, or in the microwave.

Keep an eye on pets and small children so they don’t get into mischief.

Don't light a lot of candles around your home and walk out of the room!

Don't burn wrapping paper in a fireplace!

Don't put sharp knives in the dishwater — it’s easy to get cut.

My wish for you today? If it can wait, Let it wait. Dust, dirt and leaves will be there tomorrow.

Big holiday hug!

DEAR HELOISE: When traveling by air, there’s one thing you really need in your carry-on bag: an empty water bottle. After going through security, you can fill it up at a water fountain. Many times I’ve been on a rough flight where refreshmen­ts were not served, and it came in handy.

— Kathy P., Florida

DEAR HELOISE: Most of us have friends who, for many reasons, have drifted away. A couple of years ago, some of my friends and I started to reconnect, and we decided to get together once a month. We choose a restaurant using the alphabet: first month the letter A, the second month the letter B and so on. Sometimes we travel out of our community, and sometimes we meet close by, but we always have fun and stay in touch with each other.

— S.D.J.B., via email

DEAR HELOISE: Is household paraffin wax edible? Nowhere on the box does it say “edible.”

— Janice P., via email DEAR READER: Janice, paraffin is used as an ingredient in making chocolate, especially chocolates that are given shapes, such as Easter Bunnies or Santas. A little wax is mixed in to make the chocolate hold its shape and to add shine. Paraffin wax is actually nondigesti­ble, which means it passes through the body without being absorbed. However, eating a large amount of paraffin is dangerous and can lead to intestinal blockage, which can be very serious!

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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