Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Canada’s wet fall harms durum crop, costs pasta- makers


Wet fields in Canada are turning what was supposed to be a stellar crop of durum wheat into a soggy mess, much to the dismay of pastamaker­s.

The prospects for quality durum have been dashed by rain and snow that have delayed and even halted operations. The wheat that’s stuck outside is vulnerable to disease because of the wet conditions. The highprotei­n grain makes up the bulk of pasta ingredient expenses, and domestic prices have risen in the past several years after repeated harvest hurdles.

Bagga Pasta, which annually makes 55,000 pounds of everything from fusilli to linguine in Victoria, British Columbia, is paying $ 22.45 for a 20- kilogram ( 44.1- pound) bag of durum flour, almost double the $ 11.95 charged about three years ago. And because of the quality problems for this year’s crop, owner Chris Curran said she’s not expecting prices to fall anytime soon.

“Instead of the price going down as I would’ve expected, it will probably remain the same,” said Curran, who said it’s the first time in her 30 years of pasta- making that she’s seen this kind of sustained jump in costs. “We’re just a very small company trying to survive amid very high prices.”

The quality problems arrive as farmers are poised to harvest a record durum crop in Canada, the world’s top exporter of the variety. But the wet fields mean that some of the crop is damaged by the fungal disease fusarium, which can hurt yields and produce chemicals known

as mycotoxins that can be poisonous for humans or livestock. With less highqualit­y crop available, grain companies are struggling to find enough supplies that are suitable to be milled into flour for pasta, said Jerry Klassen, a manager of Canadian operations and trading at Gap SA Grains & Produits in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Prices for high- quality durum have risen to more than $ 5.98 a bushel, up from about $ 4.86 to $ 5.23 before the harvest, said Chuck Penner, the owner of LeftField Commodity Research in Winnipeg. Canada will probably see a drop in exports as overseas buyers don’t want low- quality durum, and some supplies may not even be fit to feed livestock because of fungal contaminat­ion, he said.

The reprieve for flour millers may come from their southern neighbor. U. S. farmers are forecast by the government to collect the biggest durum crop in seven years. Quality issues have been limited compared with Canada, though farmers are still dealing with some fungal damage. Globally, inventorie­s of all wheat varieties are poised to reach an all- time high, and benchmark futures in Chicago are down almost 13 percent this year.

Because of the weather delays that left wheat sitting in fields, many farmers say they are looking at a “garbage” crop, Penner said. Rain and snow have stalled the harvest for almost three weeks in Saskatchew­an, where 24 percent of durum has yet to be harvested, the province’s agricultur­e ministry said in an Oct. 20 report.

That compares with just 3 percent a year earlier. “It’s quite disappoint­ing,” said Norm Hall, a farmer and president of the Agricultur­al Producers Associatio­n of Saskatchew­an.

“There’s one thing not to grow a good crop, but when you’ve got the potential of a huge, huge good quality crop, but not to be able to get it, that’s like your dreams just get dashed.”

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