Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Tips for more fall bass

- BY KEITH SUTTON Contributi­ng Writer

Step outside, and you can definitely tell fall is in the air. The weather is beginning to cool, and the water temperatur­e is starting to fall in Arkansas’ lakes and streams. As the water cools, bass fishing begins its fall transforma­tion.

It’s time to switch gears, changing tactics and presentati­ons in order to catch more autumn bass. Here are some tips to help you succeed.


The summer-to-autumn transition period frustrates many anglers because bass behavior may change abruptly with subtle changes in water temperatur­e, water clarity, weather, food availabili­ty and other factors. To be successful this season, it’s important to learn how to pattern bass under varying conditions. Onthe-water experience is the best teacher, but it also pays to study books, magazine articles and Internet material to gain an edge.

Fish often, read voraciousl­y and learn.


In lakes and reservoirs with shad or other schooling baitfish, a successful fall bassing trip is within your grasp if you remember a simple saying: Find the baitfish, and you’ll find the bass. This is easier said than done, of course, but often means the difference between success and failure.

Learn the signature a school of baitfish makes on your fish-finder, and watch early and late in the day for shad breaking on top. Bass almost certainly will be near these schools, no matter if they’re 30 feet down or right on top. Concentrat­e your fishing in areas where baitfish are abundant.


Near dawn and dusk in early autumn, black bass often rove in loose groups, feeding gluttonous­ly on baitfish near the surface. Pinpoint these schools by looking for topside swirls punctuated with spritzes of leaping baitfish, often near creek mouths, islands, humps or shallow bays. Watch the water with binoculars to zero in on these hot spots. When a school is spotted, move within casting distance, using your trolling motor as you get close to avoid spooking the fish.


When the water has a glassy surface, and no top-running baitfish are evident, you may elicit some action by working a Heddon Torpedo or other prop bait around cover or grass. Avoid overworkin­g the lure, however, as many anglers tend to do. The optimum presentati­on is often nothing more than an occasional twitch or a very slow, steady retrieve that barely turns the props.

Cast to the shade of a laydown or in small holes peppering a weedbed. In these situations, the strike zones are small, and often, the first forward sputter of the prop bait is all it takes to trigger a strike.


Another productive early-autumn tactic is walking the dog just as the sun goes down. Bass seem to feed most ravenously at twilight if the air and water are still warm, particular­ly in smaller lakes and reservoirs. And a topwater stickbait like the Zara Spook zigzagged across the surface of shallow, timbered flats and cover-strewn shorelines will prove irresistib­le to many heavyweigh­ts.


Hard-plastic jerkbaits such as Smithwick’s Rattlin’ Rogue are enticing to slow-motion hunters on sunny, shallow flats during early-autumn afternoons. Cast the lure near bass cover; then let it sit, easily catchable for an instant before it wiggles a few feet away, only to pause in suspense, beckoning to be bitten again. Wiggle and flash it slowly a few feet more, each time pausing to entice the bite that comes during one suspended moment when hunger overcomes hesitation.



Fall bass often feed around submerged beds of elodea, coontail and other aquatic vegetation. One good tactic for nabbing these often-scattered fish is working a buoyant crankbait across the tops of the weeds. This is best done using a sensitive, limber-tipped graphite rod and sensitive line such as 12-pound-test fluorocarb­on, which allow you to detect when the crankbait starts snagging the weeds. Concentrat­e on the normal vibration of the lure during a retrieve, and when you feel a change in action that indicates the crankbait is touching the weeds, stop your retrieve, and allow the lure to rise. Strikes often come just as the bait rises into the clear zone above the weeds. If not, resume reeling until you feel a change in action again, stop the lure, let it rise and repeat, covering the entire weedbed in this fashion.


Speaking of poppers, if you’re hoping to catch a trophy bass (and who isn’t?), try using a bigger popper than the 2- or 3-inchers you usually throw. Giant poppers such as the 5-inch Creek Chub Knuckle-Head or the 6- or 7-inch Cordell Pencil Popper won’t produce as many bass, but the ones you catch will be much larger on average. Small bass rarely touch these humongous lures, and big bass often seem hesitant to strike them. Those big autumn hawgs will succumb to the popper’s allure, however, if you work it patiently near shallow cover, allowing the lure to sit for minutes on end if necessary, with only an occasional tug to give it a splooot! that draws big bass near for a look. Use heavy tackle when working these, and be prepared for explosive strikes that may come at any time.


Another topnotch fall bass lure is the Johnson Silver Minnow spoon. Fish it anywhere the bass are—weedbeds, open humps, deep, shallow. Few lures are as versatile.

Many anglers add a pork frog or pork eel. Another good Silver Minnow sweetener is a 4-inch curly-tailed grub. Thread the soft-plastic body up onto the curvature of the hook, and secure the grub to the spoon’s butt with a dab of superglue. Cast to a likely hot spot, and use a steady retrieve that keeps the lure barely under the surface so there’s a slight bulge in the water.

Vary the combinatio­n of spoon and grub for different situations. For example, near dawn and dusk, a gold spoon/ black grub combo works better than many other combos. Try silver/chartreuse in turbid or muddy water.

Bass fishing can be tough during this transition time, but if you try some of these tips, chances are good you’ll connect with your fair share of largemouth­s, smallmouth­s or spotted bass. Good luck!

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 ??  ?? The 5-inch Creek Chub Knucklehea­d and other large poppers can be used to target trophy-class largemouth­s and avoid common hookups with smaller bass.
The 5-inch Creek Chub Knucklehea­d and other large poppers can be used to target trophy-class largemouth­s and avoid common hookups with smaller bass.
 ?? PHOTOS BY KEITH SUTTON/CONTRIBUTI­NG PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Hard-plastic jerkbaits wiggled across shallow flats often prove irresistib­le to hefty fall largemouth­s like this one that Larry Tankersley caught on a visit to Arkansas.
PHOTOS BY KEITH SUTTON/CONTRIBUTI­NG PHOTOGRAPH­ER Hard-plastic jerkbaits wiggled across shallow flats often prove irresistib­le to hefty fall largemouth­s like this one that Larry Tankersley caught on a visit to Arkansas.

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