Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

New French spy law mostly OK’d


PARIS — A law that gives French intelligen­ce services new spying abilities cleared a final hurdle when France’s Constituti­onal Council widely approved the legislatio­n.

In a ruling published late Thursday, the council said it had struck down only a handful of unconstitu­tional provisions in the law, which gives French spying agencies the power to use phone taps, set up hidden cameras or microphone­s, and conduct bulk analysis of metadata, with almost no judicial oversight.

The ruling paves the way for the rest of the law, approved by Parliament last month, to officially go into effect.

The Socialist government, which introduced and pushed for the legislatio­n, has argued that it is necessary to overhaul a legal framework for intelligen­ce operations that predates the widespread use of cellphones and the Internet, especially in the face of increased terrorist threats. The government also said intelligen­ce operatives would have to go through a new supervisor­y commission for any surveillan­ce operations.

But civil-rights groups and political opponents of the legislatio­n have said the commission can be overruled by the prime minister. They said the law, parts of which apply not only to terrorism but also to other situations such as organized crime or “attacks on the republican form of institutio­ns,” lacks sufficient checks and balances.

Members of the French Parliament can form a group and refer legislatio­n to the Constituti­onal Council, which then strikes down any provisions it deems unconstitu­tional before the bill becomes law.

In this case, the council struck down a provision that allowed intelligen­ce services to conduct spying operations in emergency situations without referring to the commission or getting authorizat­ion from the prime minister. The provision was a “clearly disproport­ionate breach of the right to the respect of privacy and of the secret of correspond­ences,” the council said in a statement.

The council also struck down a provision that allowed intelligen­ce services to spy on communicat­ions sent to or received from abroad because the conditions for its use were not sufficient­ly clear.

But it let many other contentiou­s provisions stand, including the bulk analysis of Internet metadata to track suspicious behavior, and the use in certain cases of so-called IMSI catchers, which capture all telephone, text-message and Internet conversati­ons in a given area.

President Francois Hollande, who had taken the rare step of also referring the legislatio­n to the council, said in a statement late Thursday that the rejection of those provisions did not threaten the overall balance of the law and would not prevent French intelligen­ce services from protecting the country.

Hollande said the bill would enable French intelligen­ce services to use “modern methods that are adapted to the threat we are faced with, while respecting individual rights and privacy.” On Twitter, Prime Minister Manuel Valls also welcomed the council’s decision, characteri­zing the bill as “decisive progress.”

The United Nations Human Rights Committee expressed worry about the legislatio­n Thursday, saying in observatio­ns published before the Constituti­onal Council’s ruling that the law granted French intelligen­ce services “excessivel­y broad” and “intrusive” powers without “adequate and independen­t” control mechanisms.

Although the legislatio­n was first announced and prepared last year, it was officially introduced, debated and voted upon only months after extremist Islamist gunmen killed 17 people in and around Paris in January. The government has also pointed to attacks that were recently thwarted or carried out to bolster its case that France is facing an unpreceden­ted terrorist threat.

Amnesty Internatio­nal, one of the many groups that criticized the legislatio­n, said in a statement that the law was a “major blow to human rights.”

“The U.S. and U.K. security agencies’ mass surveillan­ce was denounced globally, yet French authoritie­s appear to want to mimic their American and British counterpar­ts in allowing the authoritie­s to intercept and access people’s communicat­ions at will,” said Gauri van Gulik, Amnesty Internatio­nal’s deputy director for Europe and Central Asia.

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