Arkansas Democrat-Gazette


- HELOISE Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

DEAR READERS: One of my favorite cleaning helpers is the microfiber cloth. These cloths have hook-like fibers to grab up dirt and grease, not just move them around.

What makes them fabulous is you don’t need toxic chemicals to clean regular household surfaces. Some manufactur­ers recommend using only water.

The microfiber does not scratch, which is why it’s the best for cleaning eyeglasses, camera lenses and computer and cellphone screens.

How to clean microfiber cloths? If the cloth is really dirty, give it a quick rinse with tap water. If your washing machine has a soak cycle, use this to get rid of as much dirt as possible first. Be sure to use the correct amount of laundry detergent. Don’t use liquid fabric softener or dryer sheets, which will cause the cloth to be less absorbent. Wash microfiber alone or only with other items that don’t shed lint. Some folks “air-dry” them, and others put them in the dryer. I’m part of the second group.

Next time you are shopping at a mega-retailer or grocery store, look for them in the cleaning aisle and the automotive section. I swear, these cloths will last a long, long time if cared for correctly. They are cheap when you take into considerat­ion that you will be using fewer commercial cleaning products.

DEAR HELOISE: I freeze bacon fat and put it out for the birds in the winter when the weather is severe. All sorts of birds show up. I freeze the fat in a dish, then remove it and put it in a bag of bird food.

— A Reader, via email

DEAR HELOISE: Rather than throw out used oil or fat drippings, mix them with cornmeal (from the farm store). This makes excellent bird food that will attract seed eaters and meat eaters to your feeder. No more grease in the garbage or down the drainpipe.

— Chuck, via email DEARREADER: To keep unwelcome pesky critters at bay, leave only what the birds will eat in one or two days.

DEAR HELOISE: During the holiday rush, I, like a lot of people, spent too much. I’m back on my budget, but I do have some credit-card debt to deal with. I called my credit-card company to see about working out a payment plan. It agreed, and now I can work on paying off these bills as soon as I can.

— Elizabeth in San Antonio

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