Antelope Valley Press

No condemnati­on of Hamas attack


Ifind it quite ironic when reading Jake Pickering’s latest diatribe. His infantile rant against columnist Rich Lowry reeks of hypocrisy. He condemns Donald Trump in his letter, yet he sounds eerily similar to Trump in his hate-filled attack on Lowry. His hypocrisy is sickening, along with his childish name-calling,

I am also extremely curious as to where Eugene Hernandez gets his informatio­n regarding the Israeli-Hamas conflict — The Mars Daily Planet, possibly? There are ample articles documentin­g Hamas raping Israeli women during the attack, yet he just states it didn’t happen

There was a news report citing an unnamed police official saying, “An investigat­ion into the incident revealed an [Israeli military] combat helicopter that arrived at the scene from the Ramat David base fired at the terrorists and apparently also hit some of the revelers there.” That is not “the vast majority of deaths” as Eugene stated. It’s fine to have an opinion, but to espouse known falsehoods is shameful, but knowing Eugene’s political hero it’s not surprising.

As for Guy Marsh’s dismissal of this conflict as a “war” and a “genocide” (which Eugene also called it) because they are “outgunned” I would say that is nonsense. If Israel truly wanted to commit genocide against the Palestinia­n people, why haven’t they just done it with all their military superiorit­y? You state they flaunt UN resolution­s and yes, they have been condemned by many nations, so why don’t they just finish this “genocide”? Because they are fighting Hamas, which is not the Palestinia­n people at large. Again you ignore the horrific September Hamas massacre or say you understand it with your past example you mentioned a while back. You have yet to condemn that attack to my recollecti­on, only to say you understand it.

Steve Lockhart Lancaster

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