Antelope Valley Press

Simple way to end these protests


It looks like we have the perfect weather brewing for more “Summer of Love”-type riots, only this time on a nationwide scale aimed at American Israelis. It is the work of radical leftist communist terrorist group antifa, dressed in black with face masks.

Out the window goes law and order with the help of outside profession­al protest consultant­s adding fuel to the fire. Where’s the President Joe Biden Department of Justice? Taking a back seat. The FBI is playing hide and seek, wheres Biden is hiding like always by refusing to address the violence, hoping to draw votes and support from those protesters.

What a way to run a country, with leadership missing in action. So-called leaders are failing to see the writing on the wall by failing to act in a timely manner. Just imagine if these socalled peaceful pro-Palestine protesters would have been conservati­ve Republican­s. It would have been a Jan. 6 repeat, with massive arrests and jail time with stiff fines.

Why not simply put an end to this BS by cutting all federal funding to colleges who support these radical protesters? Arrest, jail and fine persons and organizati­ons who support the fund train and encourage criminal acts. Charge these protesters arrested with terrorism, intimidati­on, trespassin­g, inciting a riot, destructio­n of school property and failure to disperse when ordered to do so.

I say, why not permanentl­y cancel all foreign exchange student visas and deport those students arrested rioting and in support of Hamas? I hope the Israeli students who were denied entrance, assaulted and threatened file lawsuits against the colleges for failing to provide safe passage and security.

There are reports of signs posted that read “Latinos for Palestine” on the UCLA campus, I say que viva Israel. Those who call themselves minorities in support of these terrorists will never see these hate America and Israel protesters protesting the minority on minority violence in the inner cities of America.

So wake up! You are being used, better known as being street-pimped.

Miguel Rios Palmdale

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