Antelope Valley Press

US mortgage rate climbs above 7%

- By ALEX VEIGA AP Business Writer

LOS ANGELES — Prospectiv­e homebuyers are facing higher costs to finance a home with the average long-term US mortgage rate moving above 7% this week to its highest level in nearly five months.

The average rate on a 30year mortgage rose to 7.1% from 6.88% last week, mortgage buyer Freddie Mac said Thursday. A year ago, the rate averaged 6.39%.

When mortgage rates rise, they can add hundreds of dollars a month in costs for borrowers, limiting how much they can afford at a time when the US housing market remains constraine­d by relatively few homes for sale and rising home prices.

“As rates trend higher, potential homebuyers are deciding whether to buy before rates rise even more or hold off in hopes of decreases later in the year,” said Sam Khater, Freddie Mac’s chief economist. “Last week, purchase applicatio­ns rose modestly, but it remains unclear how many homebuyers can withstand increasing rates in the future.”

After climbing to a 23year high of 7.79% in October, the average rate on a 30year mortgage had remained below 7% since early December amid expectatio­ns that inflation would ease enough this year for the Federal Reserve to begin cutting its short-term interest rate.

Mortgage rates are influenced by several factors, including how the bond market reacts to the Fed’s interest rate policy and the moves in the 10-year Treasury yield, which lenders use as a guide to pricing home loans.

But home loan rates have been mostly drifting higher in recent weeks as stronger-than-expected reports on employment and inflation have stoked doubts over how soon the Fed might decide to start lowering its benchmark interest rate. The uncertaint­y has pushed up bond yields.

The yield on the 10-year Treasury jumped to around 4.66% on Tuesday — its highest level since early November — after top officials at the Federal Reserve suggested the central bank may hold its main interest steady for a while. The Fed wants to get more confidence that inflation is sustainabl­y heading toward its target of 2%.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A sign announces a home for sale on Feb. 1 in Kennesaw, Ga., near Atlanta. Freddie Mac reported Thursday on the average rate on a 30-year mortgage rose to 7.1% from 6.88% last week
ASSOCIATED PRESS A sign announces a home for sale on Feb. 1 in Kennesaw, Ga., near Atlanta. Freddie Mac reported Thursday on the average rate on a 30-year mortgage rose to 7.1% from 6.88% last week

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