Antelope Valley Press

Songs by artists are disappeari­ng from TikTok


NEW YORK — TikTok may look (or sound) a little different when you scroll through the app going forward.

Earlier this week, Universal Music Group — which represents big-name artists like Taylor Swift, Bad Bunny and Drake — said that it would no longer allow its music on TikTok following the Wednesday expiration of a licensing deal between the two companies.

Now, the take down of UMG-related music has begun, ByteDance-owned TikTok confirmed to The Associated Press. As of early Thursday, a vast roster of popular songs had disappeare­d from the social media platform’s library.

The complete removal of UMG-licensed music might not be immediate — but chances are, avid TikTokers are already seeing the effects. Here’s a rundown of where things stand.

The songs getting pulled from TikTok are those that are licensed by UMG — which carries an enormous reach across the music industry and, consequent­ly, our digital diet today.

“Universal Music Group is literally the largest record label... in the history of the music industry,” said Andrew Mall, an associate professor of music at Northeaste­rn University. An “uncountabl­e number of tracks and sounds” would be impacted on TikTok, he added, significan­tly limiting options for creators.

TikTok users signing on Thursday will see that they are no longer able to search for many popular songs — including music from Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, Olivia Rodrigo and more — under the “sounds” tab.

In addition to users no longer having the option of adding these songs to next dance craze and other trending content, past videos featuring UMG-licensed music will also be scrubbed. According to a UMG spokespers­on, whether these existing videos are muted or taken down entirely will be up to TikTok.

Artists will also not be able to post the audio of their UMG-licensed songs on TikTok. If the music has a UMG license, it should be muted, the spokespers­on said — noting the company will protect its copyrights.

Tour clips of artists could also be affected, if those songs are represente­d by UMG, a person familiar with the matter told The Associated Press. This can become tricky if there are multiple songwriter­s, as recordings from other labels could also be affected, the person added.

Complete removal will likely be a process, so it may take a few days for TikTokers to see the full effects. It’s also important to note that music licensing is a complicate­d business and artists often have different songs that move through different labels. While a singer’s UGM tracks will be removed, songs licensed exclusivel­y with other music giants (like Warner and Sony-owned labels, for example) shouldn’t be impacted.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Taylor Swift performs Nov. 9 at the Monumental stadium during her Eras Tour concert in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Taylor Swift performs Nov. 9 at the Monumental stadium during her Eras Tour concert in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

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