Antelope Valley Press

House Republican­s take key vote to impeach Mayorkas


WASHINGTON — House Republican­s are ready to take a key vote Tuesday toward impeaching Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over what they call his “willful and systematic” refusal to enforce immigratio­n laws as border security becomes a top 2024 election issue.

The Homeland Security Committee is pushing through a day-long hearing on two articles of impeachmen­t against Mayorkas, a rare charge against a Cabinet official unseen in nearly 150 years, as Republican­s make GOP presidenti­al front-runner Donald Trump’s hard-line deportatio­n approach to immigratio­n their own.

“The actions and decisions of Secretary Mayorkas have left us with no other option but to proceed with articles of impeachmen­t,” said Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn.

The articles charge that Mayorkas “willfully and systematic­ally refused to comply with Federal immigratio­n laws” amid a record surge of migrants at the US-Mexico border and that he has “breached the public trust” in his claims to Congress that the border is secure. A committee vote would send the articles to the full House for a vote as soon as next week.

“We cannot allow this man to remain in office any longer,” Green said.

With an unusual personal appeal Mayorkas wrote in a letter to the committee that it should be working with the Biden administra­tion to update the nation’s “broken and outdated” immigratio­n laws for the 21st century and an era of record global migration.

“We need a legislativ­e solution and only Congress can provide it,” Mayorkas wrote in the pointed letter to the panel’s chairman.

Mayorkas never testified on his own behalf during the rushed impeachmen­t proceeding­s — he and the committee couldn’t agree on a date.


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