Antelope Valley Press

No charges in Ohio miscarriag­e case

Woman accused of corpse abuse


COLUMBUS, Ohio — An Ohio woman facing a criminal charge for her handling of a home miscarriag­e will not be charged, a grand jury decided Thursday.

The Trumbull County prosecutor’s office said grand jurors declined to return an indictment for abuse of a corpse against Brittany Watts, 34, of Warren, resolving a case that sparked national attention for its implicatio­ns for pregnant women as states across the country hash out new laws governing reproducti­ve health care access in the wake of Roe v. Wade being overturned.

The announceme­nt came hours before about 150 supporters gathered for a “We Stand With Brittany!” rally on Warren’s Courthouse Square. The event had been planned before Thursday’s announceme­nt of the grand jury’s decision.

Watts was among several speakers who addressed the crowd.

“I want to thank my community — Warren. Warren, Ohio. I was born here. I was raised here. I graduated high school here, and I’m going to continue to stay here because I have to continue to fight,” she said.

Watts’ lawyer said an outpouring of emails, letters, calls, donations and prayers from the public helped her client endure the ordeal of being charged with a felony punishable by up to a year in prison.

“No matter how shocking or disturbing it may sound when presented in a public forum, it is simply the devastatin­g reality of miscarriag­e,” attorney Traci Timko said in a statement. “While the last three months have been agonizing, we are incredibly grateful and relieved that justice was handed down by the grand jury today.”

A municipal judge had found probable cause to bind over Watts’ case after city prosecutor­s said she miscarried — clogging the toilet and removing some of its contents to an outdoor trash area — then left the house, leaving the 22-week-old fetus lodged in the pipes.

Watts had visited Mercy Health-St. Joseph’s Hospital, a Catholic facility in working-class Warren, about 60 miles southeast of Cleveland, twice in the days leading up to her miscarriag­e. Her doctor had told her she was carrying a nonviable fetus and to have her labor induced or risk “significan­t risk” of death, according to records of her case.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Brittany Watts (center) speaks to a rally of supporters Thursday in Warren, Ohio. A grand jury decided that Watts, who was facing criminal charges for her handling of a home miscarriag­e, will not be charged.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Brittany Watts (center) speaks to a rally of supporters Thursday in Warren, Ohio. A grand jury decided that Watts, who was facing criminal charges for her handling of a home miscarriag­e, will not be charged.

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