Antelope Valley Press

Repairs coming to future police home

Landscapin­g, fencing fixes set at former AVUHSD site

- By JULIE DRAKE Valley Press Staff Writer

LANCASTER — The Lancaster Police Department’s future home will get some improvemen­ts, including the removal of existing landscapin­g and installati­on of security fencing with pedestrian and vehicular drive gates.

The city purchased the building, at 44811 Sierra Highway, in June 2022 from the Antelope Valley Union High School District for approximat­ely $1.75 million. The 29,623 square-foot building previously served as the district’s administra­tive headquarte­rs. It was in need of renovation and repairs prior to the city’s occupancy.

The City Council, at the Dec. 12 meeting, unanimousl­y awarded a $537,356 bid to Lancaster-based Toneman Developmen­t Corp. to clear landscapin­g, including tree removals, and

construct and install security fencing, a pedestrian and vehicular drive gates, including conduit, gate motor operator and access control system, according to a staff report by Public Works Director Marissa Diaz and senior engineer Sheila Niebla.

The project, will also include the Installati­on of conduit and fiber extension

from intersecti­on of Milling Street and Sierra Highway to the existing box within the building including conduit, the report said.

The city conducted an electronic bid opening for the public works project via PlanetBids. No responsive bids were received, the report said. In accordance with state law, the contract

may be awarded to a contractor by negotiatio­n.

Toneman Developmen­t Corp. “submitted a complete bid package submitted a complete bid package and negotiated in good faith to deliver the proposed Public Safety Building Improvemen­ts Phase I scope within budget and within the timeline needed, and negotiated

in good faith to deliver the proposed Public Safety Building Improvemen­ts Phase I scope within budget and within the timeline needed,” the report said.

The City Council approved a task order in December 2022 to pay Irvine-based design firm Huitt-Zollars $416.851 for

 ?? JULIE DRAKE/VALLEY PRESS FILES ?? The City of Lancaster’s Public Safety building will get security fencing with pedestrian and vehicular gates and see the removal of landscapin­g, including trees, under a bid approved by the City Council on Dec. 12.
JULIE DRAKE/VALLEY PRESS FILES The City of Lancaster’s Public Safety building will get security fencing with pedestrian and vehicular gates and see the removal of landscapin­g, including trees, under a bid approved by the City Council on Dec. 12.

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