Antelope Valley Press

Gaza war’s staggering toll reaches 20,000 dead


RAFAH, Gaza Strip — Israel’s war to destroy Hamas has killed more than 20,000 Palestinia­ns, health officials in Gaza said Friday, as Israel expanded its offensive and ordered tens of thousands more people to leave their homes.

The deaths in Gaza amount to nearly 1% of the territory’s prewar population — the latest indication of the 11-week-old conflict’s staggering human toll.

Israel’s aerial and ground offensive has been one of the most devastatin­g military campaigns in recent history, displacing nearly 85% of Gaza’s 2.3 million people and leveling wide swaths of the tiny coastal enclave. More than half a million people in Gaza — a quarter of the population — are starving, according to a report Thursday from the United Nations and other agencies.

Israel declared war after Hamas militants stormed across the border on Oct. 7, killing some 1,200 people and taking some 240 hostages. Israel has vowed to keep up the fight until Hamas is destroyed and removed from power in Gaza and all the hostages are freed.

After many delays, the UN Security Council adopted a watered-down resolution Friday calling for immediatel­y speeding up aid deliveries to desperate civilians in Gaza.

The United States won the removal of a tougher call for an “urgent suspension of hostilitie­s” between Israel and Hamas. It abstained in the vote, as did Russia, which wanted the stronger language. The resolution was the first on the war to make it through the council after the US vetoed two earlier ones calling for humanitari­an pauses and a full cease-fire.

The US also negotiated the removal of language that would have given the UN authority to inspect aid going into Gaza, something Israel says it must do to ensure material does not reach Hamas.

Israel’s ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, thanked the US for its support and sharply criticized the UN for its failure to condemn Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks. The US vetoed a resolution in October that would have included a condemnati­on because it didn’t also underline Israel’s right to self-defense.

Hamas said in a statement that the UN resolution should have demanded an immediate halt to Israel’s offensive, and it blamed the United States for pushing “to empty the resolution of its essence” before Friday’s Security Council vote.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Palestinia­ns carry the bodies of a Dhair family, killed in the Israeli bombardmen­t of the Gaza Strip, during their funeral Friday in Rafah. Health officials in Gaza say the Palestinia­n death toll there has surpassed 20,000.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Palestinia­ns carry the bodies of a Dhair family, killed in the Israeli bombardmen­t of the Gaza Strip, during their funeral Friday in Rafah. Health officials in Gaza say the Palestinia­n death toll there has surpassed 20,000.

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