Antelope Valley Press

We must respond with full force


Looks like terrorist in their creative destructiv­e mind set has come up with a new yet old weapon.

This weapon with its strong psychologi­cal effect can bring government­s to their knees its stronger then any full auto assault rifle, bomb, air strike or artillery shell, it attacks mans mental strength and can bring civilian division within your adversarie­s government.

This old new revised weapon is called kidnapping innocent women and children. Never mind targeting and kidnapping high political figures; the younger the civilian, the better of those you choose to wage war against.

One can then demand one kidnapped civilian for up to five or 10 mass-murdering terrorists or negotiate in millions of dollars per terrorist, then use that money to purchase more weapons. Once successful, it can be repeated over and over again.

It looks like kidnapping innocent civilians is the ultimate weapon in the future of Middle East warfare. The latest example was Hamas kidnapping over 230 innocent civilian women, children and elderly, and the world, including the United Nations, remained silent.

Terrorists seeking support by looking like the good guys for releasing innocent civilian hostages — imagine that terrorist looking to turn the tide of world opinion in their favor by releasing hostages which never should have been kidnapped in the first place. Lucky for Hamas Israel does not fight fire with the same kind of fire.

Another sign of victory for terrorists is the weakness in our American leader — President Joe Biden. Proof is after over 60 missile and drone attacks aimed at American naval forces in the Middle East, the only response is with a few air strikes, causing minimal damage, which has proven not to serve as a deterrent.

What is it going to take? How many American lives must we lose before we say enough is enough and respond with full force?

Miguel Rios Palmdale

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