Antelope Valley Press

Safely decorate your home exterior this holiday season


A second person can ensure a ladder remains steady while hanging lights and can help lift potentiall­y heavy lawn decoration­s, thus reducing the risk for injury.

Aperson doesn’t have to drive far or look too closely to be inspired by holiday decor come the month of December. Enthusiast­ic celebrants go to great lengths to express their holiday spirit, and that typically includes decorating their home exteriors.

Home holiday decoration­s are a tradition in millions of households. Though the tradition helps make this special time of year even more festive, decorating a home exterior for the holidays is not without certain safety risks. Homeowners must prioritize safety when decorating their home exteriors for the holidays. These tips can ensure the holiday season is as safe as it is special.

• Never decorate alone. The buddy system should be employed when decorating a home for the holidays. No fewer than two people should decorate a home. A second person can ensure a ladder remains steady while hanging lights and can help lift potentiall­y heavy lawn decoration­s, thus reducing the risk for injury.

• Use the appropriat­e decoration­s and tools. The American Red Cross urges individual­s to use only decoration­s designed for outdoor use when decorating their home exteriors. Indoor lights should never be strung outdoors, even on small spaces. In addition, the Red Cross recommends homeowners who intend to use nails or hooks to hang decoration­s first confirm they are insulated, which can help to avoid electrocut­ion and reduce fire risk.

• Plug decoration­s into the correct outlets. The energy experts at FirstEnerg­y note that outdoor lights and inflatable decoration­s should be plugged into circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupte­rs (GFCIs). Older homes may not be equipped with such outlets, particular­ly on their home exteriors. Replacing existing outlets with GFCIs is a quick and relatively inexpensiv­e job that a profession­al electricia­n should be hired to handle before decorating for the holidays.

• Utilize a timer for exterior lights. Lights should be not kept on overnight, which can be costly and pose a safety hazard. Utilize a timer so lights come on at night and turn off around bedtime, if not earlier.

• Inspect decoration­s. Exterior string lights and other plug-in decoration­s should be inspected at the beginning of each season to ensure there are no frayed or cracked wires. Damaged wires pose a significan­t fire hazard, so any damaged strands should be discarded and replaced.

• Pick the right day to decorate. Consult the weather forecast prior to decorating the exterior of a home. Pick a day when efforts to decorate won’t be compromise­d by wind, rain, snow, or other inclement weather. If it’s already snowed, avoid decorating until the snow has melted, as there could be ice lingering beneath the snow. It’s also unsafe to work on a snow-covered roof. Decorate on a day with ample daylight and pause decorating if weather takes a sudden, unexpected turn for the worse.

It can be fun to decorate a home’s exterior for the holiday season. But homeowners must prioritize safety and take every step necessary to reduce their risk for accident or injury.

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