Antelope Valley Press

Mother Earth can take care of herself


This letter is primarily for the Green People. Your actions are very noble in attempting to protect planet Earth, but unnecessar­y. Mother Earth is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. She has been dodging bullets most of her 4.5 billion year life.

Fossil records reveal that least five times life on Earth has experience­d wide spread and relatively rapid catastroph­ic events known as mass extinction­s.

Mass extinction­s 360 and 450 million years ago wiped out 70 to 85 percent of all species then on Earth.

Large swings in our planet’s average surface temperatur­es, driven by our Earth’s orbital parameters,tell us of ice ages occurring roughly every 100,000 years during the past million years.

But Planet Earth marches to her own drummer. She is a true warrior, and in a constant state of never-ending evolution on her terms. In more recent times, of around 2 million years ago, Earth was hit by the greatest force in nature; a super nova. The large mammals (mammoths and sabertooth tigers) became extinct. Continenta­l glaciers advanced and retreated. Vast deserts and large lakes were created.

During this period hominids (great apes) were replaced by Homo Sapiens, a giant step in the rise of modern humans.

Homo Sapiens were skilled hunters. They were also extremely skilled in the use of technology; mastering fire and water craft, and with the creation of astronomic­al structures.

One has to wonder if the super nova may have passed the baton to Mother Earth. A super nova, unlike other stars, has the energy and oomph to create all the chemical elements that make up our bodies, and to distribute these seeds of life to all corners of planet Earth. Perhaps a little food for thought.

Ray Freeman


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