Antelope Valley Press

Wants an apology


Mayor Parris’ letter to the editor was very compliment­ary to the hospital staff and I’m sure they earned it but he also credits the “vaccine” for keeping him alive.

The same vaccine that allowed him to get it in the first place? Because it doesn’t work.

It could have been so much worse? How? He got sick, got treated and thankfully will be fine like the rest of us that got the flu.

Now that it has become scientific­ally proven that the vaccinated are the most susceptibl­e to Covid those of you that vilified us unvaccinat­ed and wished death upon us, our children and grandchild­ren need to be held accountabl­e and at the very least apologize for fueling the hate and anger directed towards us.

You pitted families against each other. Some not able to spend the holidays with loved ones because they were not vaccinated. We now have people being denied transplant­s and other surgeries because they are not vaccinated. People, including law enforcemen­t losing their jobs for not taking the jab.

Those of you that mocked and ridiculed us did it because you were embarrasse­d by our courage. The mobs, the mask Nazi and branch Covidians have been embarrasse­d by betting against the unvaccinat­ed. You should all try to find some humility and apologize to the unvaccinat­ed as you took the bait by hating us.

Dr. Birx admitted in a recent interview “We knew the vaccines were not going to protect against infection” and “I think we overplayed the vaccines” They knew the entire time it doesn’t work and pushed it anyway and continue to push it today.

They are now pushing it onto children as young as 6 months old. People are dying from the shot. They need to be stopped.

We are awaiting your apology.

Jack O’Connor


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