Antelope Valley Press

Hamill, legendary NY columnist and novelist, dies


NEW YORK — Pete Hamill, the self-taught, street-wise newspaper columnist whose love affair with New York inspired a colorful and uniquely influentia­l journalist­ic career and produced several books of fiction and nonfiction, died Wednesday morning. He was 85.

Hamill died at a Brooklyn hospital from heart and kidney failure, his brother Denis confirmed in an email.

“Pete was truly one of the good guys,” Denis Hamill said.

Pete Hamill was one of the city’s last great crusading columnists and links to journalism’s days of chattering typewriter­s and smoked-filled banter, an Irish-American both tough and sentimenta­l who related to the underdog and mingled with the elite. Well-read, well-rounded and very well connected, Hamill was at ease quoting poetry and Ernest Hemingway, dating Jacqueline Onassis or enjoying a drink and a cigarette at the old Lion’s Head tavern in Greenwich Village.

His topics ranged from baseball, politics, murders, boxing and riots to wars in Vietnam, Nicaragua, Lebanon and Ireland. But he would always look back to the New York he grew up in, a pre-digital age best remembered through the dreamscape of black and white photograph­y — a New York of egg creams and five-cent subway rides, stickball games and wide-brimmed hats, when the Dodgers were still in Brooklyn and there were more daily papers than you could count on one hand.

“I have the native son’s irrational love of the place,” Hamill wrote in his 2004 book, “Downtown: My Manhattan.” “New York is a city of daily irritation­s, occasional horrors, hourly tests of will and even courage, and huge dollops of pure beauty.”

A Brooklyn-born high school dropout, Hamill was a columnist for the New York

Daily News, the New York Post, Newsday, the Village Voice, New York magazine and Esquire. He wrote screenplay­s, several novels and a bestsellin­g memoir, “A Drinking Life.”

“Pete Hamill was an inspiratio­n to generation­s of reporters who reveled in his unique style of storytelli­ng and his gifts as a writer and reporter who spoke truth to power,” the New York Press Club said in a statement.

His 2003 novel, “Forever,” told the story of Cormac O’Connor, an Irish Jew who arrives in New York in 1740 and is granted eternal life as long as he stays on the island of Manhattan. His novels “Snow in August” and “The North River” also served up nostalgic and critically acclaimed tales of Old New York.

His memoir covers his childhood in Brooklyn to the night he gave up drinking at a New Year’s Eve party in 1972.

“Pete was a giant of journalism, a quintessen­tial New Yorker and a personal friend to my father and myself,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a statement. “I learned much from him and he inspired me. Pete’s death is going to leave a hole in the heart of New Yorkers.”

Hamill worried that journalism had become too focused on celebritie­s, but he was well acquainted with some of the most famous people of his time. He met the Beatles before they played in the U.S., interviewe­d John Lennon when the ex-Beatle was living in Manhattan, hung out with Frank Sinatra and with the Rolling Stones, and won a Grammy for his liner notes to Bob Dylan’s “Blood On the Tracks.”

Hamill lived with Shirley MacLaine, dated Onassis and was linked to Linda Ronstadt, Susan Sontag and Barbra Streisand among others.

As a young man, Hamill was a passionate liberal. His open letter to Robert Kennedy helped persuade the senator to run for president, and Hamill was one of a handful of people who wrestled the gun away from Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan in 1968 at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Hamill found his way onto President Richard Nixon’s “enemies list.” In a column, Hamill said the president shared the blame for the 1970 shootings at Kent State University by calling campus dissenters “bums.” Vice President Spiro Agnew called the column “irrational ravings,” and Hamill borrowed the phrase for the title of a 1971 collection of his columns.

In a 1969 column for New

York magazine, “The Revolt of the White Lower Middle Class,” he seemed to anticipate the rise of Donald Trump as he warned of men “standing around saloons talking darkly about their grievances, and even more darkly about possible remedies. Their grievances are real and deep; their remedies could blow this city apart.”

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Pete Hamill responds during a 2007 interview at the Skylight Diner in New York. Hamill, a longtime New York City newspaper columnist and author, has died at age 85.
ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Pete Hamill responds during a 2007 interview at the Skylight Diner in New York. Hamill, a longtime New York City newspaper columnist and author, has died at age 85.

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