Albuquerque Journal

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- —Richard Roeper

OLD HENRY ★★★1/2

Western, NR, 99 minutes, 2021

What a wonderful thing it is when a versatile and dependable veteran character actor gets a chance to shine in a lead role deep into a career, and such is the case with Tim Blake Nelson in “Old Henry,” a near-masterpiec­e of a Western, with Nelson giving arguably the crowning performanc­e of his career as an Oklahoma Territory farmer in the early years of the 20th century who simply wants to live out his days without any intrusion from the outside world — and we all know that’s not going to happen. In time there’s a revelation that’s simply fantastic, and I’ll say no more about that.

FIND IT: For rental on Vudu


Documentar­y, NR, 86 minutes, 2021

“I think social media is a good idea, but people ruin everything.” — Author, professor, commentato­r and influencer Dr. Roxane Gay in “15 Minutes of Shame”

Directed by Max Joseph of “Catfish” fame and narrated by Monica Lewinsky, who wryly comments, “Trust me, I know a little about (public shaming)” and calls herself the “Patient Zero” of modern-day, internet-based, mass efforts to destroy someone’s reputation, “15 Minutes of Shame” alternates between interviews with authors, psychologi­sts, researcher­s and journalist­s — and revisiting the stories of a few “regular” people whose lives were turned upside down by one incident or a couple of Facebook posts.


OLD ★★

Mystery thriller, PG-13, 108 minutes, 2021

Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan made a sensationa­l major feature film debut with “The Sixth Sense” in 1999, his career has ridden wild swings of the pendulum, ranging from the brilliant and enduring — e.g., “Unbreakabl­e” and “Signs” and “Split” — to the unspeakabl­y awful, including “The Happening,” “The Last Airbender” and “After Earth.”

Despite an intriguing premise, this is another of director M. Night Shyamalan’s thudding disappoint­ments. A family visits a beautiful secret beach where the young children abruptly grow into teenagers, and the film sinks under the weight of the flat performanc­es and the stilted dialogue.

FIND IT: Apple TV, Vudu


Monster action, PG-13, 113 minutes, 2021

In the incredibly loud and fantastica­lly mindless monster matchup, you’ve got your more sympatheti­c Kong taking on the more powerful Godzilla. It’s the kind of movie you forget about almost instantly after you’ve seen it, but it also makes you forget about everything else in your life while you’re watching it.


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