Albuquerque Journal

Fake virus vaccine cards worry college officials

New industry grows as mandates emerge


SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. — As the delta variant of the coronaviru­s sweeps across the United States, a growing number of colleges and universiti­es are requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccinatio­n for students to attend in-person classes. But the new mandate has opened the door for those opposed to getting the vaccine to cheat the system, according to interviews with students, education and law enforcemen­t officials.

Both faculty and students at dozens of schools interviewe­d by The Associated Press say they are concerned about how easy it is to get fake vaccine cards.

Across the internet, a cottage industry has sprung up to accommodat­e people who say they won’t get vaccinated for either personal or religious reasons.

An Instagram account with the username “vaccinatio­ncards” sells laminated COVID-19 vaccinatio­n cards for $25 each.

A user on the encrypted messaging app, Telegram, offers “COVID-19 Vaccine Cards Certificat­es,” for as much as $200 apiece.

An increasing number of inquiries to these sites and similar ones appear to be from those who are trying to get fake vaccinatio­n cards for college.

A Reddit user commented on a thread about falsifying COVID-19 vaccinatio­n cards, saying, in part, “I need one, too, for college. I refuse to be a guinea pig.”

On Twitter, one user with more than 70,000 followers tweeted, “My daughter bought 2 fake ID’s online for $50 while in college. Shipped from China. Anyone have the link for vaccine cards?”

According to a tally by The Chronicle of Higher Education, at least 675 colleges and universiti­es now require proof of COVID-19 inoculatio­ns. The process to confirm vaccinatio­n at many schools can be as simple as uploading a picture of the vaccine card to the student’s portal.

In Nashville, Vanderbilt University places a hold on a student’s course registrati­on until their vaccine record has been verified unless they have an approved medical accommodat­ion or religious exemption.

The University of Michigan says it has a system in place to confirm employee and student vaccinatio­ns. A spokesman for the college told the AP the school has not encountere­d any problems so far with students forging their COVID-19 vaccinatio­n record cards.

But Benjamin Mason Meier, a global health policy professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, questions how institutio­ns can verify those records.

“The United States, unlike most countries which have electronic systems in place, is basing its vaccinatio­n on a flimsy paper card,” he said.

Meier tweeted last week that he spoke with several students who were worried about the accessibil­ity of fraudulent vaccine cards and that they knew a fellow student who had submitted one to the university.

“It’s important to note that UNC-Chapel Hill has not found any instances of a student uploading a fake vaccine card. Those claims are simply hearsay at this point,” the school said.

But other university staff and faculty have expressed their concern over the alleged forgery of vaccine cards. Rebecca Williams, a research associate at UNC’s Lineberger Comprehens­ive Cancer Center and Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, said while she is concerned by these claims, she isn’t surprised.

“This is why I think the developmen­t of a reliable national digital vaccine passport app is very important for the sake of all the organizati­ons and businesses that want to require proof of vaccinatio­n for employees, students, or business patrons,” Williams said.

 ?? MARK LENNIHAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Bradley Sharp of Saratoga, N.Y., gets the Johnson & Johnson vaccine July 30 in New York. Sharp says he needs the vaccinatio­n because it is required by his college.
MARK LENNIHAN/ASSOCIATED PRESS Bradley Sharp of Saratoga, N.Y., gets the Johnson & Johnson vaccine July 30 in New York. Sharp says he needs the vaccinatio­n because it is required by his college.

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