Albuquerque Journal

Prince Andrew sued by Epstein accuser

Alleges royal sexually assaulted her when she was 17 years old


NEW YORK — One of Jeffrey Epstein’s longtime accusers sued Prince Andrew on Monday, taking accusation­s that she has repeatedly publicly lodged against him, including that he sexually assaulted her when she was 17, to a formal venue.

Lawyers for Virginia Giuffre filed the lawsuit in Manhattan federal court, where Epstein was charged criminally with sex traffickin­g a month before he killed himself at age 66 in August 2019 in an adjacent federal jail where he was ordered to await trial.

Giuffre has repeatedly made her allegation­s against Epstein, his onetime girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, and Andrew, but the lawsuit was the first time she has directly confronted Andrew in such a formal setting. It steps up public relations pressure on the prince, even if he remains beyond the reach of the courts.

In a statement, Giuffre said she was “holding Prince Andrew accountabl­e for what he did to me.”

“The powerful and rich are not exempt from being held responsibl­e for their actions. I hope that other victims will see that it is possible not to live in silence and fear, but to reclaim one’s life by speaking out and demanding justice,” Giuffre said.

“I did not come to this decision lightly,” she added. “As a mother and a wife, my family comes first — and I know that this action will subject me to further attacks by Prince Andrew and his surrogates — but I knew if I did not pursue this action, I would be letting them and victims everywhere down.”

In late 2019, Prince Andrew told BBC Newsnight that he never had sex with Giuffre, saying, “It didn’t happen.”

He said he has “no recollecti­on” of ever meeting her and told an interviewe­r there are “a number of things that are wrong” about Giuffre’s account, which alleges the encounter occurred in 2001.

“I can absolutely categorica­lly tell you it never happened,” Andrew said.

Giuffre has long said Maxwell recruited her at age 17 to be sexually abused by Epstein and Maxwell from 1999 to 2002.

According to the lawsuit, which sought unspecifie­d compensato­ry and punitive damages, the prince abused Giuffre on multiple occasions when she was under the age of 18.

During each of the alleged acts, Giuffre was given “express or implied threats” by Epstein, Maxwell, and/or Andrew to engage in sexual acts with the prince, the lawsuit said.

It said that she “feared death or physical injury to herself or another and other repercussi­ons for disobeying” the trio because of their “powerful connection­s, wealth, and authority,” the lawsuit said.

 ?? STEVE PARSONS/ASSOCIATED PRESS POOL PHOTO ?? Prince Andrew attends Sunday service at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor, after the death announceme­nt of his father, Prince Philip, on April 11.
STEVE PARSONS/ASSOCIATED PRESS POOL PHOTO Prince Andrew attends Sunday service at the Royal Chapel of All Saints at Royal Lodge, Windsor, after the death announceme­nt of his father, Prince Philip, on April 11.

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