Albuquerque Journal

Has politicall­y weaponized military lost Middle America?


Traditiona­list and conservati­ve America once was the U.S. military’s greatest defender.

Bipartisan conservati­ves in Congress ensured generous Pentagon budgets. When generals, active or retired, became controvers­ial, conservati­ve America usually could be counted on to stick with them.

Flyover country supported marquee officers such as Gen. Michael Hayden, Gen. James Mattis, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, Gen. Stanley McChrystal, Gen. David Petraeus and a host of others when the media went after them for alleged unethical conduct, financial impropriet­ies, spats with the Obama administra­tion, or accusation­s of using undue force or hiding torture.

When Democrats railed in Congress about the “revolving door” of generals and admirals leaving the Pentagon to land lucrative board membership­s with corporate defense contractor­s, Middle America, rightly or wrongly, mostly yawned.

Yet traditiona­l America also assumed its military leaders were largely apolitical and stayed out of politics. Brilliant World War II commanders Curtis LeMay, Douglas

MacArthur and George S. Patton did not fare well when they clumsily waded through the minefields of partisan national politics.

No longer.

The Pentagon’s current and past top echelon is seen as politicall­y weaponized — and both careerist and opportunis­t. Generals and admirals are currently scanning enlistment­s for mythical white supremacis­ts, in fear of left-wing pressure following the riot at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. These military officials apparently have no commensura­te concern about whether there are antifa-affiliated service members with records of past violence.

We are learning that much of what was reported about that unfortunat­e Capitol riot was untrue. There were no “armed” insurrecti­onists with guns, led by conspiraci­st kingpins. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick was not “murdered.” Medical examiner Francisco J. Diaz said the autopsy showed no evidence of internal or external injuries. The only violent death was that of an unarmed female military veteran who was shot by a mysterious­ly unnamed law enforcemen­t officer while climbing through a window.

The tenure of highly decorated Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has proved a veritable train wreck of late. Under pressure from the left, last summer he renounced a photo appearance with then-President Donald Trump as unduly politicizi­ng his service.

OK, but every recent chairman of the Joint Chiefs has routinely appeared with the president in photo ops, if sometimes reluctantl­y.

Milley was timidly reacting to media claims that Trump sicced federal law enforcemen­t on disruptive protesters with tear gas to ensure calm for his photo op. The inspector general of the Department of the Interior recently exposed such reporting as a fable.

Equally untrue were complaints from Milley and a host of retired officers about Trump tyrannical­ly using federal troops to maintain civic order. Such action has happened repeatedly in our history. For example, Gen. Colin Powell, former head of the Joints Chiefs, commanded the troops sent into Los Angeles in 1992 to quell the rioting that followed the acquittal of L.A. police officers charged in the beating of Rodney King.

Neither Milley nor any of the previously vocal top brass objected to the Biden administra­tion’s militariza­tion of Washington, D.C., after Jan. 6. There was not a word about miles of barbed wire and fencing. There was utter silence about the omnipresen­ce of thousands of armed troops throughout the city. Such mobilizati­on was the very scenario they had said would pose an existentia­l threat to democracy.

Gen. Milley was incoherent and paradoxica­l when pressed about critical race theory — the belief that racial bias has been encoded in society — during congressio­nal testimony recently. He bragged he had read insurrecti­onary texts by Karl Marx and Mao Zedong to acquaint his open mind with supposed enemies — as if his inquisitiv­e approach to those subversive authors was analogous to the teaching of critical race theory in the military.

Our top officers reveal inconsiste­nt views on recommende­d readings, ideologica­l indoctrina­tion and the use of federal troops during domestic crises. They are selective and partisan in their shrill criticism of particular presidents. Some blast political opponents with inflammato­ry comparison­s to Nazis and fascists.

The military’s alienation of Middle America could not happen at a worse time. China, Russia, Iran and North Korea watch in glee at our self-created discord, which threatens to tear apart the most lethal military in the world.

The military is not yet a revolution­ary people’s army overseen by commissars. But it is getting there with politicize­d agendas that split the country in half and abandon the military’s traditiona­l role of unifying in common purpose to defend America.

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