Albuquerque Journal

Buttigieg struggles to reach Nevada voters of color


LAS VEGAS — Democratic presidenti­al candidate Pete Buttigieg is working to make inroads with Latino, black and Asian American voters in Las Vegas this weekend, outreach that the South Bend mayor has been slow to make compared with many of his rivals.

Buttigieg is appearing at a series of town halls and roundtable­s across Las Vegas, including a town hall with Asian American voters Friday night and a “Black empowermen­t conversati­on” at a soul food restaurant Saturday afternoon, followed by a Latino community leader roundtable.

It will be Buttigieg’s first event with leaders of the Latino community in Nevada — a significan­t slice of the state’s Democratic electorate.

Nevada, which votes third in the Democratic primary, offers the first test of a candidate’s appeal to a diverse population. Presidenti­al contenders are expected to build relationsh­ips in these communitie­s early, typically making campaign stops much sooner than two months out from the caucuses.

Buttigieg only began ramping up his staff in Nevada in early fall, and the late start has been followed by a lag in state polls. Former Vice President Joe Biden has a slight lead, followed by Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, with Buttigieg trailing behind.

“The Buttigieg folks, I haven’t really seen them around too much. They have a lot of catching up to do for sure,” said Reuben D’Silva, the civic engagement chair of the Las Vegas Urban League Young Profession­als.

D’Silva, who is also a faculty adviser for an influentia­l Hispanic student union, said Buttigieg is an impressive candidate and still has room to build bridges.

“He still has time here in Nevada if he invests properly, if he has a renewed focus. Especially on the Hispanic voters,” D’Silva said.

The South Bend mayor’s slower start with Nevada’s population­s of color comes as he’s been dogged by questions about his failure to catch on with many black voters in South Carolin a, an issue he and his campaign have acknowledg­ed they’ve been working on.

After meeting with Asian American and Pacific Islander community leaders in Las Vegas on Friday night, Buttigieg was asked by a reporter whether his planned meetings with other communitie­s in Nevada was an attempt to catch up to other campaigns.

The mayor pointed out that he’d met with many of those same Asian American and Pacific Islander leaders on one of his early visits to the state in May.

In Nevada, Buttigieg’s campaign notes people of color make up a majority of its 55-person paid team.

 ?? JOHN LOCHER/ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Democratic presidenti­al candidate South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg signs a book at a town hall event with Asian American and Pacific Islander voters Friday in Las Vegas.
JOHN LOCHER/ASSOCIATED PRESS Democratic presidenti­al candidate South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg signs a book at a town hall event with Asian American and Pacific Islander voters Friday in Las Vegas.

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