Albuquerque Journal

History shows lives better under socialist system


DIANE DIMOND, in the (Journal) … June 8, writes that “Young socialists miss what D-Day was about.” Her piece is riddled with falsehoods and foolishnes­s, but I will focus on just one. She says: “I stand unconvince­d that a group of government bureaucrat­s can adequately produce, distribute and ensure an uninterrup­ted food supply.” That’s an amazing statement, since the greatest accomplish­ment of all time, in terms of securing uninterrup­ted food supply, goes to the government bureaucrat­s of China, namely the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), originally under Mao and later others. Mao and the CCP abolished famine in China. Abolished it. Since the 1948 revolution, there has been a grand total of one famine, in 1959-1960, and that one due mostly to bad weather. Before that, for 2,000 years, China had an average of one horrible famine every year. Since 1960, now nearly 60 years, no famines. Not one. Truly an incredible accomplish­ment, comparable to the abolition of slavery or other epochal human rights achievemen­ts.

I called Dimond’s statement “amazing,” but it really is not. It is typical of Americans steeped in pro-capitalism propaganda, and clueless about the numerous and oft-breathtaki­ng triumphs of socialism; for example, the literal doubling of life expectancy in China and Russia after their respective revolution­s, and the lifting of a half-billion Chinese out of poverty over just the past three decades, again creditable to the CCP.

May America soon awaken to the now-compoundin­g failures of capitalism and embrace the obviously superior socialism as the only humane path to the future — and, considerin­g the onrushing climate disaster, possibly the only path to a future of any kind. I thank Dimond for bringing to my attention the very encouragin­g poll statistic that large sectors of the voting public now approve of socialism over capitalism. Hear, hear!

ALAN LEWIS Ann Arbor, Michigan

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