Albuquerque Journal

Trump team disputes intel on Russia’s election influence

Senators call for probe of possibilit­y Moscow interfered in election


WASHINGTON — Donald Trump’s presidenti­al transition team on Saturday challenged the veracity of U.S. intelligen­ce assessment­s that Russia was trying to tip the November election to the Republican. A top Senate Democrat demanded a full congressio­nal investigat­ion.

The CIA has now concluded with “high confidence” that Moscow was not only interferin­g with the election, but that its actions were intended to help Trump, according to a senior U.S. official. The assessment is based in part on evidence that Russian actors had hacked Republican­s as well as Democrats but were only releasing informatio­n harmful to Trump’s rival, Hillary Clinton.

The official was not authorized to discuss the private intelligen­ce assessment publicly and insisted on anonymity.

Trump’s public dismissal of the CIA assessment raises questions about how he will treat informatio­n from intelligen­ce agencies as president. His view also puts Republican­s in the uncomforta­ble position of choosing between the incoming president and the intelligen­ce community.

In a statement late Friday, Trump’s transition team said the finger-pointing at Russia was coming from “the same people that said Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destructio­n.” On Saturday, spokesman Sean Spicer told CNN there were “people within these agencies who are upset with the outcome of the election.”

Spicer denied a New York Times report that Russia had broken into the Republican National Committee’s computer networks. The U.S. official who disclosed the CIA assessment to The Associated Press said only that Republican entities had been targeted during the election.

Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said he would press for a congressio­nal investigat­ion in the new year. “That any country could be meddling in our elections should shake both political parties to their core,” he said. “It’s imperative that our intelligen­ce community turns over any relevant informatio­n so that Congress can conduct a full investigat­ion.”

Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina have also said they plan to pursue investigat­ions into Russian election interferen­ce. Other Republican­s have played down the reports. Texas Sen. John Cornyn wrote on Twitter Saturday that Russian hacking had been going on for years. He said the matter was “serious, but hardly news.”

There was no immediate official response from Moscow. But Oleg Morozov, a member of the foreign relations committee in the upper house of the Russian parliament, dismissed the claim of Russian interferen­ce as “silliness and paranoia,” according to the RIA Novosti news agency. Morozov described the allegation­s as an attempt to force the next administra­tion to stick to Obama’s antiRussia­n course.

President Barack Obama has ordered a full-scale review of campaign-season cyberattac­ks to be completed before he leaves office in January.

The Kremlin has rejected the hacking accusation­s.

 ??  ?? Sen. Charles Schumer
Sen. Charles Schumer
 ??  ?? Sen. John McCain
Sen. John McCain
 ??  ?? Sen. Lindsey Graham
Sen. Lindsey Graham

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