Albuquerque Journal



God bless America, and how’s everybody?

U.S. Olympic swimmer Ryan Lochte was dropped by his four sponsors after he trashed a gas station in Rio, then tried to pass it off as a robbery. He’s a born gag writer. When Lochte told reporters that he didn’t lie, he exaggerate­d, Hillary Clinton offered him $100 for the joke.

Hillary Clinton went on the Jimmy Kimmel Show in Hollywood where she opened a pickle jar to prove her fitness for the White House. That’s not enough for people in LA. Until she tries on the bloody glove, no one’s going to believe she didn’t kill the guy who turned in her email. The House Oversight Committee will question FBI director Jim Comey in two weeks about his progress in investigat­ing Hillary for perjury over her House email testimony last year. Hillary lives in a two-story house in Chappaqua. One story, she tells Congress; the other story, she tells the FBI.

Dr. Drew Pinsky’s TV show on the Headline News Network was canceled less than a week after he publicly said he was worried about Hillary Clinton’s health from what he saw. Word got around fast. The next day, Dr. Oz diagnosed Hillary Clinton’s medical condition as immortal.

The Los Angeles Times poll had the U.S. presidenti­al race even. The campaign rhetoric shows the progress we’ve made in America. Last week, Trump called Hillary a racist bigot in his speech, and Hillary called Trump a racist bigot in her speech, and neither one of them are Southerner­s.

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