Albuquerque Journal

Tourism funding request trimmed

Gov. calls for $1.5M, not $3.5M, increase


The New Mexico True message may still get a little more play next year — just not quite as much as tourism officials had once hoped.

The New Mexico Tourism Department had planned to seek an additional $3.5 million for marketing next fiscal year — money that would extend the New Mexico True advertisin­g campaign to San Francisco — but budget realities have tempered expectatio­ns. Rebecca Latham, recently appointed to head the tourism department, said the request laid out in Gov. Susana Martinez’s budget is for an additional $1.5 million instead.

The extra $1.5 million, if approved by the Legislatur­e, would boost the department’s overall marketing budget to $10.1 million for the fiscal year that begins July 1. Latham said it would allow the state to bolster existing efforts in the Dallas and Houston media markets, but would not cover expansion into San Francisco.

“This is just a consequenc­e of decreased revenue from oil and gas,” Latham told the Journal in an interview. “It’s still a really strong recommenda­tion.”

The state currently targets just a handful of major markets with its tourism ads — Dallas, Houston, Denver, Phoenix, Chicago, San Diego and New York. Those “f ly” markets and other national campaigns represent about 44 percent of the department’s advertisin­g spending, though the department also runs ads in regional “drive” markets and within New Mexico.

Jen Schroer, executive director and CEO of the New Mexico Hospitalit­y Associatio­n, said the associatio­n urged its approximat­ely 500 members to support the extra funding request by reaching out to their respective legislator­s directly and via social-media comments.

Lower gas prices make it an ideal time to really push travel to New Mexico — especially in markets like Dallas or Houston, from which travelers might be willing to drive.

“With gas dropping, we’re seeing more people willing to travel, and excited to travel, because they can afford it and they have more disposable income,” Schroer said.

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