Albuquerque Journal

CYFD chief questioned

Promises to get all federal money due


New Mexico lawmakers on Tuesday challenged the new head of the state child welfare agency, questionin­g her about what she plans to do to ensure that federal dollars are put to use rather than sent back by the state.

SANTA FE — New Mexico lawmakers on Tuesday challenged the new head of the state child welfare agency, questionin­g her about what she plans to do to ensure that federal dollars are put to use rather than sent back by the state.

Monique Jacobson, incoming secretary of the Children, Youth and Families Department, testified before the Senate Finance Committee, marking her first time in the legislativ­e hot seat since she was appointed to the position in December. Jacobson previously served as head of the state Tourism Department.

Jacobson said she’s excited to tackle the challenges ahead and promised to account for every dollar.

With childhood initiative­s being a priority for the Legislatur­e and the Governor’s Office, Jacobson said, “We’ll be able to make a significan­t difference in the lives of children.”

Lawmakers expressed confidence in her and asked her to act with urgency.

Sen. Howie Morales, D-Silver City, was among the law- makers who expressed concern that up to $21 million in federal funding did not get spent by the department during the last fiscal year. He urged Jacobson to figure out what happened.

Sen. Nancy Rodriguez, D-Santa Fe, said that with 900 children on a waiting list for services, the state cannot let federal dollars slip away.

“We’ll absolutely make sure we get the funding,” Jacobson said.

Jacobson also outlined her top priorities for the agency, including tightening internal financial controls, improving communicat­ion with law enforcemen­t and expanding services aimed at preventing abuse and neglect.

The agency has been hampered in recent years by staffing shortages, an overwhelmi­ng caseload and a series of high-profile abuse cases that have drawn criticism. The agency is also under pressure to continue with a series of executive orders and policy reforms implemente­d by Gov. Susana Martinez last year.

As part of the changes, Jacobson said, she would like to add 45 new workers and open a reintegrat­ion center for youths that would serve as a step between a secure facility and moving them back into the community.

 ?? EDDIE MOORE/JOURNAL ?? CYFD Secretary-designate Monique Jacobson, left, with Kelly Klundt, a senior analyst for the Legislativ­e Finance Committee, addresses the Senate Finance Committee in Santa Fe on Tuesday.
EDDIE MOORE/JOURNAL CYFD Secretary-designate Monique Jacobson, left, with Kelly Klundt, a senior analyst for the Legislativ­e Finance Committee, addresses the Senate Finance Committee in Santa Fe on Tuesday.

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