Albany Times Union

Super quiz

- Bob Jones welcomes readers' responses, send to © 2023 TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC.

Take this Super Quiz to a PH.D. Score 1 point for each correct answer on the freshman level, 2 points on the graduate level and 3 points on the PH.D. level.

Subject: CAPES

(e.g., Who is the "Caped Crusader"? Answer: Batman.)


1. It is one of Africa's capital cities. 2. Patti Page sang, "You're sure to fall in love with old ____." 3. A common misconcept­ion is that this cape is the southern tip of Africa.

GRADUATE LEVEL 4. This cape was officially "Cape Kennedy" from 1963 to 1973. 5. The Panama Canal reduced the need for ships to round this southern cape. 6. The name of the island country, Cabo Verde, means _____.


7. This island is part of the province of Nova Scotia. 8. This city is the largest city between Tampa and Miami. 9. Robert Mitchum portrayed released prisoner Max Cady in this 1962 film.

ANSWERS: 1. Cape Town. 2. Cape Cod. 3. Cape of Good Hope. 4. Cape

Canaveral. 5. Cape Horn. 6. Green Cape. 7. Cape Breton Island. 8. Cape Coral. 9. "Cape Fear."

Goren bridge

Most deals are easier to play when the high-card points are divided between declarer and the dummy. Hands can be very difficult to play when one hand has almost all the points. South in today's deal was American expert Joe Grue, who had just such a problem.

East won the opening diamond lead with his ace and shifted to a low spade. Grue won with his ace and cashed the king of diamonds. The king and queen of spades were followed by a low spade to East's jack. East cashed the ace of hearts and Grue had to be very careful. Had Grue followed with his low heart, East would have led another heart. Grue would finesse against the queen, but he would still have two unavoidabl­e losers. Grue followed with the jack of hearts instead of the six. A low heart from East now would allow Grue to play low and win in dummy with the 10. The jack of diamonds and a club finesse would get Grue to nine tricks.

Instead of a heart, East shifted to a low club. Grue won with the queen and cashed the ace of clubs. East could see the end play coming, so he played his king of clubs under the ace. Grue now cashed the jack of clubs and led the two of clubs to West, who had to give dummy the jack of diamonds. Very nicely played!

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