Albany Times Union

The Senate filibuster rule is underminin­g democracy

- By Frank S. Robinson ▶ Frank S. Robinson of Albany is the author of “The Case for Rational Optimism.” He blogs at rationalop­

President Joe Biden pledged bipartisan­ship. But there seems to be no reciprocit­y. Democrats will have to work around Republican­s. A big help would be ending the Senate filibuster.

The Constituti­on apportions the House of Representa­tives by population, while in the Senate all states are represente­d equally. This was so big states couldn't dominate small ones. Unforeseen was how that would play out in a 50-state union with many small states. And importantl­y, big states are big because they have big cities; small states don’t, tending to be more rural. And whiter.

Now small states are way overrepres­ented, with two senators each. That’s problem enough if the Senate worked by majority vote. But the filibuster rule means it normally takes 60 out of 100 votes to pass a bill. That magnifies small states’ clout even more; 41 senators representi­ng as little as 23 percent of the population can stymie the majority. And rather than promoting compromise, in so polarized a political ecosystem it produces legislativ­e paralysis.

It wasn’t always like this. The filibuster rule is not in the Constituti­on. Debate has always been limited in the House of Representa­tives. The smaller Senate saw itself as a more collegial, deliberati­ve body, with unlimited debate. Not until the 1850s did anyone ex

ploit this to prevent a bill’s passage by keeping debate going — “filibuster­ing.” But that was rare. Only in 1917 was it deemed necessary to institute a way to end debate — called “cloture,” it was considered an extraordin­ary measure and hence required a two-thirds vote.

In the 1950s, Southerner­s filibuster­ed to block civil rights legislatio­n; it was hard to get 67 Senate votes for anything. So finally, in 1975, they reduced the requiremen­t to 60 votes, thinking to make cloture, and bringing bills to a vote, easier. But the result, perversely, was the opposite, partly because now a filibuster­ed bill would not halt all other Senate business.

Furthermor­e, a filibuster originally meant you actually had to keep debating. Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-N.C., set the record in 1957, talking for 24 straight hours. Now, however, it became a given that all significan­t legislatio­n would require cloture with 60 votes; the actual speechifyi­ng was dispensed with, thus giving a minority an effortless automatic veto over everything.

Changing this was called the “nuclear option,” as if politicall­y it was an act of war. But when Republican­s were using the filibuster rule to block President Barack Obama's judicial nomination­s, former Demcratic Majority Leader Harry

Reid, D-nev., went for a limited nuclear option, scrapping the 60-vote rule just for such nomination­s. Then, when Republican­s regained control of the Senate, they extended this to Supreme Court nomination­s.

All this shows that the 60-vote rule is by no means sacrosanct. No other country has the equivalent. Its resultant minority veto is a major factor underminin­g the health of our body politic, and democracy itself. And there's actually an easy fix: The Senate can change the rule by a simple majority vote. For that, 60 votes are not needed.

That would enable tackling many other problems effectivel­y. A big one is immigratio­n reform. Another is election reform: We must set national standards, to allay concerns about fairness and fraud, but particular­ly to outlaw Republican vote suppressio­n measures. We should also make Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico states, likely adding four Democratic senators and reducing the perverse Republican small-state advantage.

Yes, they will howl, alleging a power grab. That will dominate talking heads and internet blowhards for, oh, maybe two or three days. Then it will be forgotten as we move on to something else. After all, being able to pass a bill by majority vote shouldn’t seem very radical. We’ll quickly get used to it, and if we think of it at all, will wonder why the previous bizarre rule wasn’t junked long before.

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