Albany Times Union

Troy mayor quarantine­s after testing positive

Madden learned of diagnosis on Tuesday, tweeted it on Sunday

- By Steve Hughes

Troy Mayor Patrick Madden is in quarantine after testing positive for coronaviru­s.

Madden said in a tweet Sunday afternoon that he got tested “early last week” after experienci­ng mild symptoms. John Salka, Madden’s spokesman, said Madden learned he was positive for the disease on Tuesday, Dec. 22. Madden did not make his diagnosis public because no other city employees were required to get tested, Salka said.

“Only the mayor was impacted within City Hall, and no additional staff have been quarantine­d resulting from the

mayor’s positive test,” Salka said.

Madden attended an event for fire department promotions Dec. 11, less than two weeks before he received his positive test result. Everyone in a picture shared by the Troy Record Dec. 14 was masked.

The city ’s news release on Madden’s diagnosis Sunday was sent after the Times Union reached out to Madden’s office after hearing he might have contracted COVID -19. Madden did not return a phone call Sunday afternoon.

Madden is the most visible leader in the Capital Region to contract the virus since the pandemic began in March.

“This is a reminder of how easily coronaviru­s can be transmitte­d between individual­s, even while wearing a mask, social distancing and washing hands,” Madden said in a statement. “My symptoms continue to improve, and I look forward to a speedy recovery.”

Albany County Executive Dan Mccoy said in August that he believed he caught the virus sometime between December and February. Mccoy told reporters that a blood test in May revealed he had antibodies from the virus. Tests for the disease were not widely available until March.

City Council President Carmella Mantello said Sunday she only learned of Madden’s diagnosis through the statement his office released.

“While I believe this informatio­n should have been more transparen­t to the public and City Council when first learned, my sincerest thoughts are with Mayor Madden for a speedy recovery,” she said. “While the vaccine is forthcomin­g, the pandemic is not over yet and this is a constant reminder that we all must remain vigilant wearing masks, social distancing and abiding by all safety protocols to ensure the safety of our communitie­s.”

Madden’s office said the city took additional safety measures at City Hall in November, including having staff work from home. City Hall remains closed to the public and the city is working the Rensselaer County Health Department on contact tracing and quarantine protocols, Madden’s spokesman said.

In October, both Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan and Schenectad­y Mayor Gary McCarthy were quarantine­d after possibly being exposed during an event in Syracuse.

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