Albany Times Union

Extra safety scrutiny planned

Moves come as more Americans say no to shot

- By Lauran Neergaard

Facing public skepticism about rushed COVID -19 vaccines, U.S. health officials are planning extra scrutiny of the first people vaccinated when shots become available.

With this week’s pause of a second major vaccine study because of an unexplaine­d illness — and repeated tweets from President Donald Trump that raise the specter of politics overriding science — a quarter of Americans say they won’t get vaccinated. That’s a slight increase from 1 in 5 in May.

The poll from The Associated PRESS-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found only 46 percent of Americans want a COVID -19 vaccine and another 29 percent are unsure.

While Black Americans have been especially hardhit by COVID -19, just 22 percent say they plan to get vaccinated compared with 48 percent of white Americans, the AP-NORC poll found.

“I am very concerned about hesitancy regarding COVID vaccine,” said Dr. William Schaffner, a vaccine specialist at Vanderbilt University who says even primary care doctors who’ll need to recommend vaccinatio­ns have questions.

“If the politician­s would stand back and let the scientific process work, I think we’d all be better off,” he added.

The stakes are high: Shunning a COVID -19 shot could derail efforts to end the pandemic — while any surprise safety problems after one hits the market could reverberat­e into distrust of other routine vaccines.

On top of rigorous final testing in tens of thousands of people, any COVID -19 vaccines cleared for widespread use will get additional safety evaluation as they ’re rolled out. Among plans from the

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Texting early vaccine recipients to check how they ’re feeling, daily for the first week and then weekly out to six weeks.

Any vaccine before Election Day is extremely unlikely. Over Trump’s objections, the Food and Drug Administra­tion issued clear safety and effectiven­ess standards that shots must meet and Commission­er Stephen Hahn insists career scientists, not politician­s, will decide each possible vaccine’s fate only after all the evidence is debated at a public meeting.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top U.S. infectious diseases expert, says that should be reassuring because it means scientists like himself will see all the evidence.

“So the chances of there being secret hanky-panky are almost zero, because everything is going to be transparen­t,” he told The AP.

Here are some things to watch as vaccines get closer to the finish line.

Furthest along in finalstage testing in the U.S. are a vaccine candidate made by Pfizer Inc. and Germany’s Biontech, and another developed by Moderna Inc. and the National Institutes of Health.

Fauci says “the best bet” is that data about whether one or both work will emerge sometime in No

vember or December.

How soon depends on an independen­t Data Safety and Monitoring Board -- the only group that can peek at the data before the study ’s finished.

At pre-set time points, the board can analyze the number of infections occurring so far among participan­ts and decide if the study should be stopped early because of strong evidence the vaccine works, or if it’s failing, or that it’s too soon to know.

The DSMB also watches for side effects. Many vaccines cause temporary side effects like fever, chills and other flu-like symptoms.

Two other vaccine candidates in final-stage testing in the U.S. have been temporaril­y halted to investigat­e additional

safety questions. Johnson & Johnson paused its study this week after learning of “an unexplaine­d illness” in one participan­t, and the company expects it will take a few days to learn if the problem is a side effect or a coincidenc­e.

But testing of Astrazenec­a’s vaccine has been on hold in the U.S. for over a month after news emerged of neurologic­al illnesses in two British participan­ts.

Regulators let Astrazenec­a’s study resume in Britain and several other countries, but FDA still is deciding.

Stopping those studies “shows you that the system that we have in place to monitor the safety of the vaccines and the rigorous conduct of the trial is in place and it’s working,” Schaffner said.

 ?? University of Maryland School of Medicine via. AP ?? The first patient enrolled in Pfizer's COVID-19 coronaviru­s vaccine clinical trial at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, receives an injection.
University of Maryland School of Medicine via. AP The first patient enrolled in Pfizer's COVID-19 coronaviru­s vaccine clinical trial at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, receives an injection.

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