Albany Times Union

Republican­s, wake up and defend the Constituti­on

- By Krisy Gashler

Donald Tr ump has betrayed his tr ust to the A merica n people and must be impeached and removed f rom of f ice. In just t he latest outrage — pressur ing Ukraine to a nnounce fraudulent investigat­ions into Tr ump’s politica l opponents — Tr ump has proven, once aga in, t hat his f irst a l leg ia nce will a lways be to himself, not to our countr y.

Even before the Ukraine extor tion scheme, Tr ump repeatedly demonstrat­ed his disda in for t he Constit ution — referring to “the phony emoluments clause,” politicizi­ng t he judiciar y, a nd sug gesting t hat he won’t leave of f ice a f ter t wo ter ms.

But with the House impeachmen­t inquir y, Tr ump’s lawlessnes­s has drag ged our countr y even f ur t her into t he pit: His ref usa l to comply wit h subpoenas, refusal to provide documents required by Congress to fulfill its role as a co-equal branch of government, a nd threatenin­g and retaliatin­g against those who are fulfilling their patriotic duty to testify before Congress. None of t his is OK.

The argument being made by Trump and his supporters— that they have no obligation to comply with oversight because they don’t see the impeachmen­t inquiry as legitimate—is fundamenta­lly anti-constituti­onal. I imagine that by the 10 th investigat­ion of Benghazi, the Obama administra­tion and Hillary Clinton probably felt, perhaps correctly, that these exercises in congressio­nal oversight were illegitima­te and politicall­y motivated. And yet O ba man ever ordered his administra­tion to refuse subpoenas, and Clinton famous ly testified before

Congress for 11 hours—because that’ s what the Constituti­on demands. For the record, none of the 10 Benghazi investigat­ions resulted in charges against anyone.

Meanwhile ,215 charges have been brought against Trump-connected allies just from the limited Mueller investigat­ion and five individual­s are serving prison sentences. The Tr ump

Foundation and Trump University have both been shut dow n for fraud, a nd Tr ump was recently ordered to pay a $2 million fine for misusing charitable contributi­ons for, among other things, a $10,000 portrait of himself.

What a betrayal of the party of presidents Abra ham Lincoln a nd Dwight Eisen hower. Congressio­nal Republica ns, please wa ke up from this slumber of sin. You a re capable of so much better than what you have become under Tr ump. We need you to remember who you a re a nd join us in defending t he Constit ution aga inst a ll enemies — foreig n a nd domestic.

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