Albany Times Union (Sunday)

Get your house ready for new season

- HINTS FROM HELOISE Write to P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000.

DEAR READERS: Now is the time to start getting your house ready for the upcoming change of seasons.

Use this checklist for getting everything in order inside your house.

Tackle the attic and basement. Remove paper and flammable material. Check the attic for a mice or squirrel infestatio­n. Determine where they are entering and seal it up.

Also examine the basement for pest infestatio­ns and deal with them. Clean up dust and dirt.

If the basement is damp, get activated charcoal at a home improvemen­t store. Place it in open containers in the dampest areas to try to keep them dry.

Store many boxes in the attic? If they have fallen over, right them. Create a clear pathway. That way you will be organized, and you will have easier access to what you are looking for.

Examine the insulation in your attic. Do you have enough? You can check with a home improvemen­t store to be sure that you do.

Hire a service profession­al to clean and inspect your heating system.

Keep a large flashlight at the entrance to your attic.

DEAR READERS: With everyone in the family having phones, we know that they get dirty and sticky and need to be cleaned regularly. Here’s how: To eliminate smudges, makeup or dirt, spritz an all-purpose cleaner on a paper towel and wipe over the dirtiest areas. Never spray cleaner directly on the phone. For a quick-clean, use prepackage­d towelettes.

DEAR HELOISE: We just bought feather pillows for the first time for all the beds in our home.

Can they be washed, and how can I do it safely?

— Margaret in New Jersey DEAR MARGARET: Yes, feather pillows can be washed in the washing machine. But you have to check the ticking first to be certain that the seams are secure. I like to put the pillow into a larger pillowcase or laundry bag and use a safety pin or two to keep it shut.

Then here’s how to wash them safely. Launder just two pillows at a time. Put into the washer and fill with water. Mix liquid laundry detergent with water and then add to the washer. Rinse at least twice. If you have a spin cycle, use it to remove as much water as you can. Then put the pillows in the dryer. It’s best to dry longer at a lower heat. Open the door and fluff pillows a couple times during the drying process. Be certain the pillows are totally dry before putting them back on the beds.

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