Albany Times Union (Sunday)


- — Rick Clemenson

■ BALLSTON SPA NATIONAL BANK Elliot Edwards named vice president of retail banking. He will oversee customer service and sales and manage retail deposit activities. Edwards earned his bachelor’s degree from Oswego.


■ AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATIO­N Named Jennifer Corcoran Conway chair of the board of directors and Dr. Alan Boulos as president. Conway is a partner at Tully Rinckey. Boulos is chair of neurosurge­ry and co-director of the Neuroscien­ces Institute at Albany Medical Center. Conway has been involved with the associatio­n since 2013 when her then 16-month old son Aedan was featured in the Capital Region Heart Ball. She is the parent lead for Cardiac Kids, a group of children born with cogential heart defects and their families. She has been on the board since 2014. Boulos has served as a spokesman for the associatio­n since 2009 and joined the board in 2016. He chaired Cyclenatio­n the last two years. The associatio­n also announced that Kathy Lanni of SEFCU, Dr. Adanna Akujuo and Dr. Mandeeo Sidhu of Albany Medical Center are leaving the board. Theresa Petrone Butts of MVP Health Care is remaining on the board after her term as chair of the board ends. Peter Connolly of the Keeler Motor Car Co., and cardiologi­sts Dr. Disha Mookherjee of Saratoga Hospital, Dr. Suzie Mookherjee and Dr. Neil Yager of Albany Medical Center are joining the 2020-2021 board. Mookherjee is a past president of the board and a past member of the Eastern States Regional Board and Founders Affiliate Board.



Michael Naber joined as a structural engineer and will work on commercial and parks and recreation projects. Naber was previously department manager and staff engineer with a focus on constructi­on materials testing, special inspection and small scale engineerin­g design for commercial and residentia­l projects in Fredricksb­urg, Va. He earned a civil engineerin­g degree from Clarkson.


Amalia Hernandez (regional marketing associate), Warren Primeau (survey project manager), Tyler Shedd (project engineer) and Donna Critelli (senior CAAD technician) joined the firm. Hernandez will focus on business developmen­t downstate. She was previously project coordinato­r for the Department of Transporta­tion’s Small Business Transporta­tion Center Resource Center in the Northeast region. Primeau has earned master’s and bachelor’s degrees from SUNY College of Environmen­tal Science and Forestry. Shedd was most recently with VHB Inc. He earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of New Hampshire. Critelli was most recently with Lochner Engineerin­g and has more than 35 years of experience in the transporta­tion engineerin­g field. She has an associate’s degree from Delhi and studied constructi­on management engineerin­g at Mohawk

Valley Community College.



Carlene Lacey joined the advisory board of the wholesale distributo­r located in Amsterdam. Lacey is the community relations manager in the U.S. at National Grid.

 ??  ?? Corcoran Conway
Corcoran Conway
 ??  ?? edwards
 ??  ?? lacey
 ??  ?? Primeau
 ??  ?? Naber
 ??  ?? Critelli
 ??  ?? boulos

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