COVER Knit a Christmas jumper!

This Christmas, wrap your family in love by making them one of these beautiful hearts and diamonds sweaters



Rico Essentials Super Super Chunky (100g balls)

2[3:3:4:5:5:6:6:7] in shade A

1 ball each of shade B and C

8mm (US11) needles

10mm (US15) circular needles at least 40in (100cm) long

Stitch markers

Stitch holders

Scrap yarn


8.5sts and 10 rows = 10cm(4in) over st st/Fairisle pattern using 10mm (US15) needles.

8.5 sts and 10 rows = 10cm(4in) over two-colour brioche pattern using 8mm (US11) needles.

ABBREVIATI­ONS beg-beginning; dec-decrease; follfollow­ing; inc-increase; k-knit; p-purl; patt– pattern; pm–place marker; sl-slip; st(s)-stitch(es); tbl-through back of loop; tog-together; yo-yarn over;

SPECIAL ABBREVIATI­ONS brk1-brioche knit 1 (knit the slipped stitch and yo from the previous round together); brp1-brioche purl 1 (purl the slipped stitch and yo from the previous round together); m1L-make one leftleanin­g stitch (increase 1); m1R-make one right-leaning stitch sl1yo-bring yarn to front of work, slip next st purl wise: if the next st is a knit st, take the yarn over the top of the needle to work the next st; if it is a purl st, take the yarn away from you over the needle and bring it back to the front in between the two needles ready to work the next st.

Pattern note: Yarn A is the main colour; B is the colour for the Fairisle design, and C is the contrast shade in the brioche ribbing and elsewhere. The samples shown in the photograph use the following shades: Smaller size A-01Cream, B-022 Lilac and C-11 Dark Pink. Larger size, A-027 Silver Grey, B-07 Dark Grey and C-11 Dark Pink.


Worked in the round:

Set-up round 1: Using A (k1, sl1yo) around.

Set-up round 2: Join C at the back, then bring to the front between sts and work as foll: (sl1yo, brp1) around.

Round 3: With A (brk1, sl1yo) around.

Round 4: With C (sl1yo, brp1) around. Rounds 3 and 4 form patt and are repeated.


Using 8mm (US11) needles and A, cast on 56[64:72:80:88:96:104:112:120] sts. Join to work in the round, taking care not to twist sts, and pm at beg of round.

Set two-colour brioche: Work 2 setup rounds once, then work rounds 3 and 4 of Two-colour brioche rib patt 3[3:3:5:5:5:5:5:5] times across all sts. Change to 10mm (US15) needles. Next round: Using A, (brk1, k1) around. Set hearts and diamonds patt:

Using A and B, work 3 rounds of Hearts and Diamonds patt from chart 7[8:9:10:11:12:13:14:15] times around. Using A, knit straight until piece measures length indicated in size chart. Set aside and work Sleeves.


Using 8mm (US11) needles and A cast on 10[12:14:16:16:18:18:20:20] sts.

Join to work in the round and pm for beg of round. Work Two-colour brioche patt as set for Body. Change to 10mm (US15) needles. Sizes 1-3 only Next round (inc): Using A, brk1, m1L, (k1, brk1) to last st, m1R, k1. 12[14:16]sts Sizes 4-9 only

Next round: Using A, (brk1, k1) around. All sizes

12[14:16:16:16:18:18:20:20] sts. Next round:

K2[1:0:0:0:1:1:2:2], work Hearts and Diamonds patt starting on st 1[5:1:1:1:1:1:1:1], k2[1:0:0:0:1:1:2:2]. Work 2 more rounds of Hearts and Diamonds patt as set.

Knit 1 round in A only.

Next round (inc): Using A, k1, m1L, k to last st, m1R, k1. Knit 3 rounds.

Rep last 3 rounds 1[2:2:3:5:5:6:6:8] times, then work inc round again 18[22:24:26:30:32:34:36:40] sts.

Cont straight in A until Sleeve measures as indicated on size chart or desired length. Slip 2[3:3:3:4:4:4:4:5] sts on each side of beg of round marker to a stitch holder, then slip remaining sts to scrap yarn ready to join for yoke. 14[16:18:20:22:24:26:28:30] sts on scrap yarn.


Using A, k12[13:15:17:18:20:22:24:25] from Body holder (Right back), sl4[6:6:6:8: 8:8:8:10] sts to holder for underarm, k across 14[16:18:20:22:24:26:28:30] sleeve sts on scrap yarn (Right sleeve), k24[26:30:34:36:40:44:48:50] Body sts for Front, sl4[6:6:6:8:8:8:8:10] sts to holder for underarm, k across 14[16:18:20:22:24: 26:28:30] Sleeve sts on scrap yarn (Left sleeve), k12[13:15:17:18:20:22:24:25] Body sts (Left back). 76[84:96:108:116: 128:140:152:160] sts.

Work 2[4:1:3:3:6:7:9:10] rounds in A. Set yoke pattern and shaping Sizes 1 and 2 only

Next round (dec): Knit in C, dec 20[28] sts evenly around (56 sts).

Sizes 3–9 only

Next round: Knit in C.

All sizes

Next round: Purl in C.

Next round: Knit in A.

Sizes 3-9 only

Next round: (K1A, k1B) around.

Next round: Knit in A.

Next round (dec): Knit in A, dec 32[28:36:40:52:56:56] sts evenly around 64[80:80:88:88:96:104] sts.

Next round: Knit in A.

All sizes

Join B and work Hearts and Diamonds patt from Chart 7[7:8:10:10:11:11:12:13] times around over next 3 rounds.

Next round: Knit in A.

Next round (dec): Knit in A, dec 16[16:8:24:24:32:32:32:32] sts evenly around (40[40:56:56:56:56:56:64:72] sts).

Sizes 3-9 only Next round: Knit in A.

All sizes

Next round: (K1A, k1B) around.

Next round: Knit in A. Sizes 3-9 only

Next round: Knit in C.

Next round: Purl in C.

Next round: Knit in A. All sizes

Next round (dec):

Knit in A, dec

16[16:16:16:16:12:12:16:24] sts evenly around 24[24:40:40:40:44:44:48:48] sts. Next round: Knit in A.

Change to 8mm (US11) needles.

Work 2 set-up rounds of Two-colour brioche rib, then rep rounds 3 and 4 3[3:3:5:5:5:5:5:5] times.

Cast off in brioche rib as foll: brk1, *p1, k2 sts on RH needle tog tbl, brk1, k2 sts on RH needle tog tbl; rep from * to last st, p1, k2 sts on RH needle tog tbl, fasten off.


Graft underarm sts. Weave in ends. Pin out to measuremen­ts, cover with damp cloths and leave to dry.

■ Patterns taken from Jomo Knits by Christine Boggis, GMC Publicatio­ns, rrp £14.99, available online and from all good bookshops

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