
Serves: 4 Prep and cook time: 40 mins

600g (1lb 3oz) new potatoes 225g (8oz) fine green beans, trimmed 3 tbsp white wine vinegar, divided 2 tsp Dijon mustard

½ tsp honey

120ml (4fl oz) olive oil

4 large eggs

100g (3oz) rocket, washed

225g (8oz) cherry tomatoes, halved Salt and freshly ground black pepper

1. Cook the potatoes in a large saucepan of salted, boiling water until soft to the tip of a knife, about 20 mins; add the beans to the water about 3 mins before the potatoes are ready.

2. Drain well and refresh in a large bowl of iced water. Set aside.

3. Bring a saucepan of water to a very steady simmer over a moderate heat. As the water comes to a simmer, whisk together 2 tbsp white wine vinegar with the mustard, honey and a generous pinch of salt and pepper in a mixing bowl. Gradually whisk in the olive oil in a slow, steady stream until the dressing is thick and emulsified.

4. When the water is ready, stir in the

remaining 1 tbsp vinegar. Crack the eggs into small ramekins and then slide them into the water, poaching steadily for 3 minutes, adjusting the temperatur­e under the pan as needed to maintain a steady simmer.

5. When ready, remove the eggs to a plate lined with kitchen paper to drain. Drain the potatoes and beans, thoroughly blotting with kitchen paper. If needed, cut larger potatoes into smaller pieces.

6. Divide the rocket, cherry tomatoes, potatoes, beans and poached eggs between plates. Spoon over some of the dressing, serving the remainder on the side in small dishes or ramekins.

Per serving: 442 cals, 29g fat (5g sat fat), 6g sugar, 0.7g salt


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