The Scottish Mail on Sunday - You


- 22 June-23 July 24 July-23 Aug 24 Aug-23 Sept 24 Sept-23 Oct 24 Oct-22 Nov 23 Nov-21 Dec 22 Dec-20 Jan 21 Jan-19 Feb 20 Feb-20 March 21 March-20 April 21 April-21 May 22 May-21 June


You may feel that a partner or colleague is behaving selfishly but don’t overreact. With Venus, planet of relationsh­ips, at odds with obsessive Pluto, they’re looking for someone to take their aggression out on. Don’t let that person be you.

CALL 0904 470 1164*


Your workload will grow dramatical­ly after the Sun enters your sign on Tuesday, not because there is more to do but because you’ll delight in making things harder for yourself. Play the martyr if you wish but don’t expect anyone to take notice. CALL 0904 470 1165*


Tackle a tricky task with confidence this week and you will not only enjoy it, but impress a great many people. Just be careful that in your keenness to exhibit what you know, you don’t come over as pompous or opinionate­d. No one likes a wise guy. CALL 0904 470 1166*


Appearance­s can be deceptive so don’t jump to conclusion­s because you don’t like the way a person looks or acts. A tricky Venus-Pluto aspect suggests they may be down on their luck or ill at ease socially. Anyway, since when have you been perfect? CALL 0904 470 1167*


Your ideas may be good, even brilliant, but what counts now is that you find ways to make them pay. That shouldn’t be hard but some people will oppose your suggestion­s, however good they are. Those are the people you’d do well to avoid.

CALL 0904 470 1168*


A challengin­g aspect across the financial axis of your chart means you must be very careful with cash, investment­s and other commercial matters. Above all, don’t be pushed into anything you’re not 100 per cent sure about.

CALL 0904 470 1169*


Your emotions will be intense this week as the Sun moves into the most passionate sector of your solar chart. One person in particular may be the focus of your obsession: hopefully it’s one of love and not the reverse.

CALL 0904 470 1170*


There’s no point in living in the past. What’s done is done and can’t be reversed, no matter how hard you try to rewrite the script. It would help if you stop dwelling on your mistakes and focus on your successes instead. There are plenty of them. CALL 0904 470 1171*


You are about to be caught between rival factions. You don’t really want to support either but they seem to want your endorsemen­t. Whatever you decide to do, don’t antagonise both sides because then they may join forces against you. CALL 0904 470 1172*


If your ideas have merit, your opinions are valid and your arguments sound, you’ll be respected and admired this week. But if you don’t really believe what you’re saying, expect a rough ride. Not everyone is as easily fooled as you might like them to be. CALL 0904 470 1161*


You’ve been making a lot of noise about what you can do – now it’s time to deliver. It should not be difficult if you keep your head and don’t try to impose your will on others. However big and tough you are, there’s always someone bigger and tougher. CALL 0904 470 1162*


You could easily get upset over a trivial issue this week, just because the Sun alongside Mars in Leo will make minor details look more important than they are. Before you say anything that could cause friction, ask advice from a third party.

CALL 0904 470 1163*


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