Yorkshire Post

Queen reveals she was left ‘tired and exhausted’ by bout of Covid


THE QUEEN has spoken about her bout of Covid, saying it left her “very tired and exhausted”, as she sympathise­d with a former virus patient who lost his brother and father to the illness.

The monarch tested positive for Covid in February and, despite having what Buckingham Palace said were “mild cold-like symptoms”, was determined to carry out what duties she could.

She later overcame her bout of the virus and described the experience during a virtual visit to the Royal London Hospital, to mark the official opening of the medical institutio­n’s Queen Elizabeth Unit.

During her video call with workers and medical staff, the Queen listened to their stories of coping with the huge influx of Covid patients, and was told by one senior nurse “we held their hands, we wiped their tears and we provided comfort”.

Around 800 people were treated at the 155-bed Queen Elizabeth Unit, built in five weeks to meet demand during the pandemic, and the Queen hailed the Dunkirk spirit that inspired the constructi­on team.

Speaking to former Covid patient Asef Hussain, and his wife Shamina, the Queen said about the virus: “It does leave one very tired and exhausted, doesn’t it?

This horrible pandemic, it’s not a nice result.”

Mr Hussain was the third member of his family to be admitted to hospital with Covid after they became ill towards the end of December 2020. His brother died first and then his father, while Mr Hussain was on a ventilator.

The Queen was told his wife called the ambulance after he had struggled to catch his breath, and Mr Hussain added: “I remember waking up one morning and just finding it really, really difficult to breathe. I remember waking my wife saying that I feel like there’s no oxygen in the room.”

The issue of families and friends being unable to visit loved ones being treated in hospital was discussed a number of times during the Queen’s video call with hospital staff, and at one point she said: “Of course not being able to see your relative was very hard.”

 ?? ?? THEE QUEEN: She described the impact of Covid-19 during a virtual chat with a former virus patient.
THEE QUEEN: She described the impact of Covid-19 during a virtual chat with a former virus patient.

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