Yorkshire Post

Cheaper heating offer from councils


TWO COUNCILS have teamed up to launch a free renewable heating scheme, with funding through National Grid’s Warm Homes Fund.

North Yorkshire County Council and Scarboroug­h Borough Council will help people to reduce their energy bills and transform their home heating.

Homeowners and tenants who currently use inefficien­t storage heaters, room heaters or solid fuel heating, could get a new, fully funded renewable heating system installed in their home at no cost to themselves.

Residents living away from the gas network, looking to reduce their heating costs whilst enjoying a warm home, are also encouraged to consider applying to the scheme.

The renewable heating scheme aims to install 200 renewable heating systems in homes. At the heart of the system is an air source heat pump, which typically provides more than three times the heat for each unit of electricit­y used to power it. This heat is delivered into the home via new radiators and a hot water system.

County Councillor Caroline Dickinson, North Yorkshire’s executive member for Public Health, Prevention and Supported Housing said: “This scheme will not only help eligible residents reduce their fuel bills but improve the energy efficiency of properties in North Yorkshire.”

Coun Michelle DonohueMon­crieff, Scarboroug­h cabinet member for Environmen­t and Sustainabi­lity added: “We welcome being part of this important scheme to help create better homes and a cleaner and greener borough. As well as the obvious environmen­tal benefits of renewable heating systems, they completely transform how a home is heated, bringing greater efficiency, much lower bills and peace of mind.”

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