Yorkshire Post

PM to call for world leaders to unite in virus fight


BORIS JOHNSON will urge world leaders to overcome their difference­s and unite in the battle against coronaviru­s as he outlines measures to prevent future pandemics.

The Prime Minister is set to tell foreign counterpar­ts at the United Nations General Assembly that the “notion of the internatio­nal community looks tattered” after the Covid crisis.

He will call for states to “reach across borders and repair these ugly rifts”, as he announces a plan, developed with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, to help stop future pandemics.

The proposals include developing a global network of “zoonotic hubs” to identify dangerous pathogens before they jump from animals to humans, as well as improving manufactur­ing capacity for treatments and vaccines.

Other measures include designing a global pandemic early warning system, improving the ability to collect and analyse samples and distribute the findings.

Mr Johnson is also proposing that states reduce trade barriers on Covid- critical products, such as soap, to help the global response, and he will commit £ 500m in aid funding for the Covax vaccines procuremen­t pool to help poor countries access a coronaviru­s jab.

In a speech to be played this afternoon, the Prime Minister will say: “After nine months of fighting Covid, the very notion of the internatio­nal community looks tattered. We know that we cannot continue in this way.

“Unless we unite and turn our fire against our common foe, we know that everyone will lose.

“Now is the time therefore, here at what I devoutly hope will be the first and last ever Zoom UNGA, for humanity to reach across borders and repair these ugly rifts.

“Here in the UK, the birthplace of Edward Jenner who pioneered the world’s first vaccine, we are determined to do everything in our power to work with our friends across the UN to heal those divisions and to heal the world.”

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