Yorkshire Post

Assessment body set to counter threats from foreign agents


THE GOVERNMENT has establishe­d a cross-Whitehall body to monitor the threat to Britain from foreign spies, it has been disclosed.

The Joint State Threats Assessment­s Team (JSTAT) was set up in 2017 in response to the growing threat of espionage and subversion by foreign powers.

Its existence has only now been disclosed publicly by Home Secretary Priti Patel in the face of what she described as “sustained and hostile activity” aimed at threatenin­g UK national security.

She said the decision had been taken “to maximise its utility to the wider national security community, while enabling greater engagement with outside organisati­ons such industry and academics”.

Like the Joint Terrorism Analysis Centre, JSTAT reports to a governance board made up of senior officials from the intelligen­ce agencies and other government department­s.

The director general of MI5, Sir Andrew Parker, has been given ultimate responsibi­lity for the organisati­on.

In a statement, Ms Patel said: “The risks posed to the UK and its allies from state-based threats have both grown and diversifie­d in recent years, ranging from espionage

PRITI PATEL: Said we faced ‘sustained and hostile activity which is deliberate and targeted’.

and subversion to coercion and assassinat­ion.

“The use of the internet as a way for states to expand their influence poses new issues and has made it easier for attacks to be carried out, whilst making it harder to identify those responsibl­e.

“We face sustained and hostile activity which is deliberate and targeted.”

The move comes after the Government announced a review of the Official Secrets Act to assess whether it needs further powers.

In Salisbury in 2018, Russian agents using the Novichok nerve agent attempted to murder the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

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