Yorkshire Post

Postcode lottery claim for patients recovering from hip or knee surgery


PATIENTS EXPERIENCE a “postcode lottery” in accessing physiother­apy following a knee or hip replacemen­t, researcher­s say.

Their new study found that people are more likely to receive physiother­apy if they live in London or the North of England, while those in the South West are the least likely to receive it.

The research, from the University of East Anglia (UEA), said the results could not just be explained by a difference in the clinical needs of patients.

NHS guidelines currently recommend a minimum of six weeks of physiother­apy after a knee or hip replacemen­t.

For the study, experts looked at data on 37,598 patients from the UK’s National Joint Registry.

They examined how much physiother­apy people received and compared it to the patient’s level of disability, where they lived, their age, social deprivatio­n, gender and ethnicity.

The results showed that those having a hip replacemen­t received less physiother­apy than those having a knee operation, while younger patients and women were more likely to receive physiother­apy.

Lead researcher Dr Toby Smith from UEA’s School of Health Sciences, said: “What we don’t know yet is exactly what the causes of this disparity are.

“Individual patient willingnes­s to seek and take part in physiother­apy may be part of the problem.”

The Chartered Society of Physiother­apy said missing out on essential rehabilita­tion could have “devastatin­g consequenc­es”.

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