Yorkshire Post

Teach children about legacy of Empire and slavery, urges Corbyn


CHILDREN SHOULD be taught more about the legacy of the British Empire, colonialis­m and the slave trade, Jeremy Corbyn is due to tell a meeting in Bristol.

The Labour leader is calling for schools to give pupils a greater awareness of the role played by black Britons in shaping the country’s history. Mr Corbyn will set out plans for an Emancipati­on Educationa­l Trust aimed at educating future generation­s about slavery and the struggle to end the trade.

The Labour leader will set out his proposals in Bristol, a city that grew rich from the slave trade and the scene of more recent battles for racial equality.

Mr Corbyn will meet Paul Stephenson, a civil rights activist who played a role in the Bristol bus boycott in 1963 aimed at overturnin­g a ban on ethnic minorities working on buses.

The Labour leader will say the stories of people like Mr Stephenson should be as well known as that of Rosa Parks – the US civil rights activist who refused to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

October is Black History Month, but Mr Corbyn said: “Black history is British history, and it should not be confined to a single month each year.

“It is vital that future generation­s understand the role that black Britons have played in our country’s history and the struggle for racial equality.”

 ??  ?? JEREMY CORBYN: To set out proposals in for educationa­l trust at event in Bristol.
JEREMY CORBYN: To set out proposals in for educationa­l trust at event in Bristol.

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