Yorkshire Post

Social media has become weapon in war on truth

- Tom Baldwin

WILLIAM HAGUE might have been justified in bearing a grudge against me: when he was Tory leader and I was still a journalist, I made a bit of habit of ridiculing him for his baseball caps, his prodigious real ale-consumptio­n and sometimes his policies too.

In turn, when I later worked for the Labour Party in 2015, he might have slightly exaggerate­d the existentia­l dangers Ed Miliband presented to the future of English freedoms. Either way, the former MP for Richmond wrote last week that to agree with me – someone “who has campaigned for almost everything I disagree with” – he had “to overcome my own predisposi­tion to be opposed to whatever he supports”.

But Lord Hague was nonetheles­s generous enough support an idea I have set out in my new book, Ctrl Alt Delete, that could offer at least some protection for our ever-more fragile democracy. I suggested that we ban political campaigns from using social media advertisin­g, a communicat­ions weapon that is fast becoming the most lethal in history.

We have a long tradition in this country, dating back to the 1950s, of preventing campaigns buying advertisin­g on TV and radio. Most people would agree our politics is better for not having the kind of attack ads that have done so much to stain American elections in the past few decades.

But social media ads, particular­ly on Facebook, are now exerting a real influence not only on US politics, but in Britain too, where elections may be won by the campaigns with the deepest pockets and the lowest standards. These ads were used to most devastatin­g effect in 2016 with the populist disinforma­tion campaigns of Brexit, and Donald Trump, triumph over more rational or fact-based opponents.

Dominic Cummings, the director of the Vote Leave campaign, poured 98 per cent of his advertisin­g budget into digital communicat­ion, including vast spending on data collection and a billion micro-targeted Facebook ads. Many of these were socalled “dark posts”, unseen by the media or regulators until last month. They included ludicrous claims that the EU was banning kettles, supporting whalehunti­ng and killing polar bears, as well as more famous lies about Brexit providing extra money for the NHS or preventing the arrival of millions of non-existent Turkish immigrants.

Vote Leave has subsequent­ly been found to have broken electoral law by funnelling hundreds of thousands of pounds into a front organisati­on so it could pay for even more of these social media adverts.

There are also big question marks about how it used data to target these ads. Cummings has denied doing anything wrong but acknowledg­es “the law/ regulatory agencies are such a joke the reality is that anybody who wanted to cheat the law could do it easily without people realising”.

In the American presidenti­al election, Hillary Clinton ran 66,000 variations of Facebook ads, which sounds like a lot until it is compared to Trump’s total of 5.9m highly targeted ads that were significan­tly more effective than those of his Democratic rival. For instance, Trump’s “dark posts” were used to suppress turnout among AfricanAme­rican voters by highlighti­ng remarks Clinton had made 20 years earlier about young gang members being “superpreda­tors”. The idea was not to get them to vote for Trump but merely to stop them voting at all.

The use of social media advertisin­g, coupled with data metrics that give campaigns access to thousands of pieces of informatio­n about all of us, is loosening the screws of democracy. It means these ads can be minutely varied in their design or message by machinelea­rning algorithms until one is found that appeals best to the desires and fears of a particular slice of the electorate, or even an individual voter.

This technology is moving at the speed of electrons. Politics is not going to catch up when it moves only at the speed of elections.

I am now working on the campaign for a People’s Vote on Brexit and, even though I’ve proposed banning social media ads in politics, I will certainly try to use this weapon – legally – to fight back against opponents whose sights have been targeted on us for long enough. In the old days, they used to tell investigat­ive reporters to “follow the money,” now they should follow the data.

But measures like a ban on political ads, better verificati­on of social media accounts, or spot checks on the use of data by campaigns are only going to slow the pace of the crisis in our democracy. What is needed is a more profound settlement in our relationsh­ip with technology that enables it to do public good rather than merely unpick truth and undermine trust.

As my book explains, Brexit, Trump and a host of other dangerousl­y populist movements around the world are the product of a 30 year-long abusive relationsh­ip conducted by politics and media with the informatio­n age. And, yes, that included silly journalist­s like me who thought we were clever to make fun of William Hague’s baseball caps when, in truth, there were – and are – far bigger challenges in politics for all of us.

They used to tell reporters to ‘follow the money’, now they should follow the data.

 ??  ?? Tom Baldwin is the author of published by Hurst, price £20. ■Ctrl Alt Delete: How Politics and the Media Crashed Our Democracy,
Tom Baldwin is the author of published by Hurst, price £20. ■Ctrl Alt Delete: How Politics and the Media Crashed Our Democracy,
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