Yorkshire Post

Six-year jail sentence for man who killed woman during sex


A 24-YEAR-OLD man who killed a woman by accidental­ly stabbing her through the neck during sadomasoch­istic sex has been jailed for six years.

Jason Gaskell, inset, was jailed at Sheffield Crown Court after admitting the gross negligence manslaught­er of Laura Huteson, 21, in his home on Hull’s Orchard Park estate, in what a judge described as a “highly unusual case”.

Judge Jeremy Richardson QC told Gaskell, of Milldane, in the city, who sobbed as he was sentenced: “You deliberate­ly held the knife to her throat during sexual intercours­e.

“Whilst performing the sexual act that knife went through her neck, severing a vital artery and vein. You did not intend that to happen but the danger of stabbing the victim was obvious.”

The judge said there was no suggestion the sex was non-consensual. Gaskell, he said, regularly held a knife – which he kept under his pillow – against his partners’ throats during sex. The pair had only just met on February 27 and went to his home, where others were present, and everyone was taking cocaine and drinking vodka.

They had sex during which Gaskell put his hands round Miss Huteson’s neck but he eventually stopped when she used an agreed safe word. Later that night the two were seen playing in the snow but had sex again later. Both were heavily intoxicate­d by alcohol and drugs.

The judge said Gaskell held the knife to her throat and realised something was wrong when “she gave a jerking motion”.

He called 999 and paramedics arrived to find him in state of extreme panic but also rude and confrontat­ional. Gaskell later told police Miss Huteson had fallen or rolled on to the knife.

The judge said there were no other witnesses and the court heard no-one will ever know the full story. Judge Richardson told him: “I do not doubt you are filled with remorse.”

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