Yorkshire Post

Beware of the hidden university fee extras


FOR YEARS parents and students have been told “you don’t need to save up for university, tuition fees are paid for you”. Yet there’s something they’re not telling you – there is a hidden parental contributi­on – and everyone with children who may go to university needs to know about it.

This isn’t about tuition fees. For those who are charged them, as long as you’re a first-time UK undergradu­ate they’re paid for you by the Student Loan Company. And you only repay it after university, if you earn enough. In England you repay 9% of everything earned above £25,000 and most will do that for 30 years before it’s wiped. In practical terms it works more like a graduate tax than a loan. contributi­ons, and there’s a small allowance if you’ve other children.

The proportion that’s means tested has increased substantia­lly over recent years, from a third to over a half. So it has a massive effect on the size of the living loan that students get.

In fact, few students actually get the full loan, as even £25,000 family residual income is enough to start reducing it. And by the time family income is £58,000 some start to get less than half the full amount.

Implicitly the gap between what a student receives and the full loan is meant to be made up by parents, after all, the amount received is only reduced depending on their income. Yet parents and students aren’t told this, they are only told what their loan amount is.

Many people who come to my TV roadshows are irate and say things such as: “The loan doesn’t even cover the rent.” When I explain there is a parental contributi­on and that’s why their loan is small, they’re shocked.

This is a disgrace. I believe if we’re going to keep a system that is dictated by parental income we should be honest. The loan letter should tell you what the full loan is, what you get, and that the gap is the parental contributi­on.

I’ve met two university ministers in the past few years to push this point. Yet nothing has changed. And the resultant lack of informatio­n means parents don’t plan.

As the Government won’t tell you what you need to contribute, you have to calculate it yourself. The key is to subtract what you get from the maximum loan possible in your circumstan­ces. The difference is the minimum parental contributi­on.

To help, the maximum annual living loans for this year’s NEW starters (for existing students see my full guide at www.mse.me/ parentalco­ntribution­s for the info) are:

Living at home: £7,324

Living away from home: £8,700

Living away from home (London): £11,354.

So a student with family residual income of £50,000 studying away from home in London, will get a loan of £8,178 meaning the parental contributi­on is £3,176 each year.

And if you’ve more than one child at uni, that’s hardly taken into account. Your household income is only reduced by £1,130 per child, which has very little impact. Just imagine the problem for triplets.

Ridiculous­ly as this is based on parental income, there’s no obligation for parents to contribute. Yet even if a parent doesn’t contribute the state doesn’t fund the gap unless you’re over 25 or have financiall­y supported yourself for 3+ years, have no living parents, or are caring for a child.

As S Brooks tweeted me: “@ MartinSLew­is I remember being at university with a bloke whose parents were well off but decided not to contribute. He lived off a bottle of milk a day and vitamin pills. Assumption that parents will pay up is pernicious.” If your child may go to uni start saving

Use the ready reckoner at www.mse.me/ parentalco­ntribution to work out if your child started university now how much you’d contribute over their university life.

This could be over £10,000. If you don’t have that cash – if you can start saving, do it sooner If you’re putting money away each month, the best rates come from regular savers linked to your bank account, these can be 5% interest, check if your bank has one. For lump sums right now the top easy-access account www.bankofcypr­us.co.uk at 1.3% or you can get a one-year fixed saving from www.atombank. co.uk at 2.05%.

 ??  ?? Parents have to make up the funding gap.
Parents have to make up the funding gap.

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