Yorkshire Post

Queen makes me a reluctant monarchist


EVEN THOUGH I love this country, I sometimes feel a bit of a stranger in my own land.

Take last weekend, for example, when people broke out the bunting and the Union Flags to celebrate the wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Don’t get me wrong – they seem a perfectly lovely couple and I wish them all the very best, and I certainly don’t begrudge anyone celebratin­g a joyous occasion in splendid sunshine.

But I’ve never been much of a flagwaver myself – it seems somehow at odds with the restrained sort of English patriotism that I prefer. It might be less showy, but it is just as heartfelt.

And the idea of donning a Union Flag suit and sleeping on the pavement for a week to bag a prime view of the Royal procession has me shaking my head in bewilderme­nt.

I am a New Elizabetha­n – our current Queen was crowned a few years before I was born and I have lived my entire life as one of her loyal subjects. But my instincts are entirely republican – purely because the hereditary principle seems so completely at odds with all that is fair and meritocrat­ic.

Why should someone be handed an important job, with all the money and privileges that entails, simply because of Elizabeth delivered a remarkable speech in South Africa. Addressing the people of the Commonweal­th and Empire “wherever they live, whatever race they come from, and whatever language they speak” she made a solemn pledge: “I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to your service and the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong.”

I don’t suppose there are many 21-yearolds now, or even then, with such a seriousnes­s of purpose or such a clear idea what their mission in life will be.

And the Queen has kept that promise. Since that day, and including 65 years on the throne, Elizabeth has been selfless in her devotion to her subjects both in the UK and around the world.

Despite many occasions of political turmoil, and more than her fair share of family troubles, the Queen has hardly put a foot wrong and has been not only a unifying force within the UK, but also the finest ambassador this country could wish for.

My personal favourite of her overseas visits was a potentiall­y very tricky one to Dublin in 2011, when she charmed the socks off everyone she met, including die-hard republican­s.

But there is another reason I have warmed to the monarchy, and that is worries over what the alternativ­e would be.

If we had abolished the monarchy years back who would have become our elected head of state?

The most likely candidates are the sort of failed politician­s that we have shipped off to the European Commission – so step forward perhaps President Kinnock or President Patten or President Mandelson.

Or maybe we could have had a President Blair or President Heseltine or – heavens forfend – a President Prescott.

The far-left Corbynista MP Chris Williamson had his own suggestion last weekend. It was – and I kid you not – President Arthur Scargill.

Incidental­ly, my support for the monarchy does not extend to the House of Lords, which, unlike the Queen, wields its power in a thoroughly irresponsi­ble manner.

Personally I would abolish that bunch of expenses fiddlers, influence peddlers and dodgy party donors in a heartbeat.

As it happens, next week – June 2 – marks the 65th anniversar­y of the Queen’s Coronation.

A perfect time then to show our appreciati­on – thank you very, very much ma’am.

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